Peak MAGA is over. You are talking about margins not total turnout. Turnout was down, down more than 2018. People aren't fired up and full of piss and vinegar to vote for MAGA or trumpy shit. They almost got swept on candidates supported by DJT in 2022 and normie republicans who were trying to get the party back to sanity were what were voted for in 2022.
Peak MAGA will never happen again with DJT at the helm, he's too sloppy his message has gotten too extreme and people are just tired of his bullshit. Sure 30% of the electorate is fucking racist crazy pieces of shit, but the other 70% want shit to go back to normal. That 30% number isn't growing, it's shrinking and that 70% number isn't shrinking it's growing. The number of apathetic non-voters is hopefully also going down, but I haven't seen anything that leads me to believe that is the case outside of Black Women who will once again save our country.