The issue is tolerance. We live in a society built of of a variety of different opinions and views of the world.
There are multiple ways to achieve similar outcomes, or even outcomes that are favorable but different. This was how the government got stuff done for a long time, then all of the sudden the American populace is still told to be tolerant, while the elected officials are completely intolerant and stuck in single track thinking with less and less room for compromise.
Extremism cannot be normalized and that's exactly what's happened.
At the same time accountability is at an all time low. Corporations can't be held accountable, management can't be held accountable, employees aren't held accountable. Investors are off in lala land and have no idea what accountability even means, they just need X return on Y over Z period they don't care if that means doing it with ponzi or financial engineering because there's no accountability.
Elected officials repeatedly fail their constituents and are re elected, they enrich themselves with power and actual money and no one stops them.
Schools are falling apart, infrastructure is failing our kids are growing up as mush brained idiots when they've the most advanced technology and learning assistance tools that have ever existed in human history.
Tolerance is paraded around as "respect" and everyone should be "respectful". That's just simply a bunch of nonsense. Calling someone stupid who is in fact stupid or telling someone they are lying when they have demonstrably lied is not disrespectful, It's necessary for a functioning society and that doesn't require tolerance.