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Everything posted by immamac

  1. will post summary soon, busy with some other stuff this AM.
  2. I think reddit embeds are just shit. it's a weird container and they are notorious for borking embeds to push traffic to their site.
  3. I noticed that as well. I think the browser just sucks tbh.
  4. New coach hates him just kept him cuz owners made him IMO
  5. Lee Harvey Friday night. Will have day of fair plans hammered down soon.
  6. Correct. Posting from tapa
  7. Probably some Tapatalk nonsense.
  8. Pretty good cold open. A bit lazy on the writing and I think they really fucked up not having Shane Gillis do trump. His trump is perfect.
  9. This thread is awesome. Looks like a fantastic opening day.
  10. Tomorrow is gonna be awesome. Tell all your friends to come to the tailgate. We have brisket, ribs, Mac and cheese, beans, potato salad,some other salad and 12 cases of ice cold beer and premade whiskey smashes.
  11. We are planning a pre-game / watch party at the yeungling beer garden. On Texas Football will do a live show there and we are working on some special stuff.
  12. From out in the woods of the hill country. TEXAS!!!
  13. Everyone who keeps thinking it's incredible how stupid these people are just doesn't get out much in a post covid world. The majority of people I interact with in public are completely clueless to virtually anything outside of what's immediately impacting them, some that scope is in the moment, but others it's that day or week. There seems to be a complete lack of long term vision for the large majority of the American population.
  14. God damn this is gonna be hilarious if the new QB comes in rocks out and signs a 100K NIL deal.
  15. I don't even know what we did to turn the website into a shithole that he's referencing.
  16. I just want elections to be funny again. Like it doesn't matter who wins they both want to make America awesome just in different ways. DJT so clearly is anti America its insane that anyone would vote for him. He's a straight up treasonous piece of shit.
  17. Yeah. This is a blowout they are trying desperately to make competitive. Trump is fucked. Kamala should still act like it's tied and really finish strong, but they are fucked.
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