So there's a few things going on here that are all conflated and causing a lot of arguments and confusion and circular arguments.
1) Tyreek hill acted like an entitled jackass and this obvious agitation worked against him.
2) Cop acted unprofessionally on video and made poor judgements that are clear in hindsight, but were also fairly easy to recognize without hindsight.
3) Nothing illegal happened after the stop or during the body cam footage. Tyreek is allowed by law to be a jackass and allowed to comply only with lawful orders and the cop is allowed by law to gain compliance with basic orders.
So let's change 2 small things about the scenario and see how it is still wrong and how it could have possibly been right.
Change 1) tyreek is still a dick to the officer but doesn't roll his window up and tells the cop he's calling his lawyer and wants some privacy, but is willing to comply if the police need additional information outside of what his lawyer says is needed with a warrant or probable cause. Basically the most legal dickhead you can possibly be, but still giving the cops what they need to feel secure and like they are in control of the stop.
Cop looks even worse. Same end result.
Change 2) tryeek has a firearm in his vehicle that he does not declare and show proper identification (if necessary in Florida ), upon being removed it is visible in the floorboard of the car.
Cop not a bad guy, actions justified, but still sketchy at best.
The issue is that change #2 is what every cop thinks is going to happen every single time, because they don't want to get shot.
What if the cops were just really really kind with tyreek?
What if tyreek was just really really kind with the cop?
I think @MNLonghornFUKM is arguing for decency in all situations not just this one and that's why he sounds like an obnoxious dick. He's not packaging the message right, because he like many is frustrated with how everyone is always acting like a fucking dick all the time. He isn't defending the police he's saying if everyone was decent to eachother this wouldn't happen.
I think there are some others in this thread that are holding the police to the decency standard as a professional standard and this comes from the same source of frustration that people just are shitty to eachother by default nowadays and when you combine that with authority it is a really bad mix.