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Everything posted by immamac

  1. Well, Godspeed @TheMailBox357 seems you have put yourself in quite the predicament. lol.
  2. Nothing about it is wrong. I never said it was wrong. It’s stupid.
  3. “Large swaths of the population” lmao. This is the problem it’s a microcosm inside of a bubble, not a large swath of the population.
  4. It’s not difficult to process. It’s stupid. It’s not that it isn’t simple it’s that it’s fucking dumb.
  5. Missed this thread on first post. I’d like to embed these directly and host them. I’m gonna look into it and work with @Bodacious Bevo to curate.
  6. This only captures one side of the equation. With ENM there is the other person (main dick/pussy) and then everyone else. This is the part that doesn’t make any sense. How do you have a main person and then a bunch of other partners vs just being an individual with a bunch of other partners. Being polyamorous is a you thing. Being ethically non monogamous is an us thing.
  7. No…that’s just called having a friend who likes football.
  8. I take issue with people and the look at me movement. No one cares. You aren’t special. None of us are really that special.
  9. There isn’t really a spectrum. This whole ideology of everything being a spectrum is what is so wrong with everything. You either are or aren’t fucking multiple people. If you want to fuck multiple people and make emotional connections with multiple people there’s nothing wrong with that. That just isn’t monogamy. It doesn’t make a shit whether you have permission or not. That is just not being exclusive. Exclusive dating or going steady has been a thing for who the fuck knows how long. You can’t be ethically non monogamous because by definition you are just non monogamous, meaning monogamy has nothing to do with anything you are doing. You are ethically polyamorous - way better way to describe it. Set expectations let people know what you are about etc. I guess I take more issue with the label than I do the actual concept if that makes any sense.
  10. ENM is just dating before going steady for gen z? Like wtf there’s tons of non exclusive dating arrangements out there and there have been forever. ENM takes that a step further in that you are in a committed relationship with another (singular) person and having sexual relations with other people (plural). Im all for sexual freedom and doing whatever you do. This just seems like a whack excuse and label for something that really makes no sense at all. Going out and sport fucking and ENM are different specifically in the fact that they aren’t positioning it with the other person as sport fucking it’s actual emotional involvement. If you are going to do that just don’t be married it’s actually really simple. No judgement. Marriage is a monogamous concept.
  11. ENM is specifically not swinging. Swinging is considered play with both partners participating and likely doing stuff during or after as I understand it. It’s not just one night you go fuck rando people without the other. ENM is just cheating for people who don’t want to be labeled cheaters, but the end result is the same afaik. Being a square and fucking other people who aren’t your spouse/significant other are oceans apart. If you are going to cheat do it the good ole fashioned way and just cheat and don’t fucking tell anyone.
  12. If you don’t want to be monogamous don’t get married. It’s really simple. That doesn’t mean swinging or playing together etc as that is sometimes intimate just in a different way from what I’ve gathered there are tons of people who are good at that and view it purely as sport/fun with their significant other. At least that’s how it reads from the posters here and some of the other people I’ve talked to who are into it. ENM is not that. That’s just fucking around on your spouse/partner and them having to be okay with it because reasons.
  13. “Being all messed up” doesn’t help can you post a screenshot?
  14. Some say the foreplay is the best part. Pussyrubbing is foreplay?
  15. You can be a dick all you want here, why would you go somewhere just to poop in the Cheerios? The sites serve 2 different and complimentary purposes. It’s already getting about as much traffic as hornsports and it’s not even been launched for 4 days.
  16. Man this is fucking bonkers. Even 2008-2009 didn’t feel like this momentum wise.
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