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Everything posted by immamac

  1. Did we watch the same game? It was a fucking blowout and wasn't competitive for an entire half.
  2. Let's go gata.
  3. What the fuck are they doing, they seriously didn't have a plan for their qb going down?
  4. Clean hit but excessive tbh.
  5. Confused on how to feel. He shouldn't do that, but also it wasn't any real damage that a few grand won't make just go away.
  6. They have to fire this fraud of a coach don't they? I was taking a nap just saw final. He's never won a big game.
  7. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha will howard sucks.
  8. He's not a pussy. He's just a bitch. He's always been a bitch in his interviews.
  9. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaabahahabahahahahahababababsvavahahahabsvahahabav
  10. Will Howard is a bitch. Fuck everyone that has ever supported Pedo state. Fucking garbage institution.
  11. Big turnout election day could push Texas blue. That's wild.
  12. Should I call chillis and try to get a national surly deal for Wednesday? Dead serious.
  13. Glws cool fucking car.
  14. my 5 year old is aware of who Trump and Harris are, but everything he hears about is how Trump is a bad man and he asks about it and we just explain to him in plain English not in some weird partisan way that the way Trump behaves and the things he does are not good for anyone to do. It's not about being political, it's about teaching your kids that being a scoundrel piece of shit isn't ok. I don't have all the positive things and whatever to say about Kamala, but it's easy not to have to explain why she is in court or why she is saying Mexicans are bad. It's crazy to think that my son who strongly identifies as Mexican can pick up on the background noise of ABC World News with Dave Miur and be like why doesn't he like Mexicans? That's what is wrong with Trump.
  15. what's going on with these 2 situations?
  16. because OTF doesn't have a license to do it and IT just doesn't give a fuck about copystrike stuff?
  17. Her rates are completely bogus. lol
  18. that was clearly sarcasm lol, the fact that it didn't age well makes it all the more better.
  19. This is intentional. The media is also complicit with this plan. Harris if she wins has the ultimate opportunity to pull us out of the oligarchy to eventual collapse doom loop. Let's see if she has the backbone to stand behind a tough FTC, SEC and has a strong AG to expedite both trust busting and start enforcing the actual securities laws that are clearly being violated by a certain class and bring back accountability.
  20. Still expensing the POs even though he's not issuing payment. I'm pretty sure after he loses again and eventually dies the expose on everything that was going on is going to make his supporters look even dumber than they do now.
  21. This has to fucking end.
  22. Well god damn Rex. You really are out of my dog house. Not because of your vote, but welcome to the fucking party. Fighting the good fight.
  23. Its all literally lighting money on fire. Its insane.
  24. His fee fees are hurty wurty
  25. I'm convinced no one fucking does anything anymore. I'm building a company from scratch and we have gotten more done than everyone else in this industry in the last 4 months that we are to the point where we are so far ahead no one will catch us. Big tech can't even spend there way to solving problems anymore.
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