I don't really understand the tariff angle trump seems to be leaning in on. He is already elected, why isn't leaning into it further now that people looked at it beyond owning the libs and now understand it would actually be bad?
Is this part of the Nazi thing? Full on nationalism we don't need anyone else we can make everything in America?
I watched a really interesting documentary about shrimp of all things and how Louisiana and Texas shrimping in the gulf has been hugely negatively impacted by mainly India and Ecuador imports of farm raised shitty shrimp. The need for protections for some of the domestic product like this are necessary but its also reality that 90%+ of all shrimp demand/consumption is on imported shrimp and no domestic wild caught production could actually meet the needs.
I also learned about garlic which has a similar problem, but from California instead of abroad. Same deal, a large majority of garlic demand cannot possibly be serviced domestically. It seems like these non commodity goods which are consumption based are losing their value at the producer while the value chain remains the same or worse. The garlic producers that survived moved further vertical in the product chain, similar to the shrimp docs that have long term contracts for demand for restaurants that refuse to do import shrimp at their restaurants. To be clear gulf shrimp which are a far superior product to imported shit are the same price or sometimes lower per lb than farm raised ass tier garbage brought in from India.
Its overall a good thing economically if HEB saves the gulf shrimping industry by vertically integrating production into distribution, sales and possibly even final product (ready to eat meals), but it shows that unless you have the scale and demand captured you can't protect these SMB style means of production. The aggregate production can't be the only thing that matters to people, because it ruins the actual value of the domestically produced product
Same thing with tools, cars, whatever. Tarrifs don't solve for the missing portion of production that cant possibly satiate demand just in the US.
Whatever. None of this makes sense and in such an obviously damaging way that I'm trying to understand the strategy behind it.