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Here’s the deal

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Everything posted by Here’s the deal

  1. Trevor Lawrence is a weird looking dude.
  2. Why is Clemson only playing 5 to 6 in the box?
  3. Oklahoma should have beat them.
  4. Very frenetic pace. Big XII-ish.
  5. No wonder aggy played these teams close.
  6. How does Bama not have a kicker?
  7. Clemson’s coverage is soft.
  8. Short? We got us an Einstein
  9. Cowboys in 2020. Oh wait, jerry.
  10. Holy crap. Either team have a DB that can cover.
  11. Not much defense. Need some Orlando magic.
  12. Now Clemson’s defense needs to do something.
  13. Mental lapse? They got their ass beat.
  14. Need Clemson’s offense to do something.
  15. Hornsby seems destined to end up in a college station flower bed.
  16. Les Miles is at Kansas. Never know what that fuckers gonna do.
  17. That’s good to hear. Bevos been going to games for 100 years and never a problem. Would have hated to see one incident change things.
  18. Watch it again and watch Bevos momentum. His legs never slowed down. Turning his head is different than stopping Bevo. If Bevo had wanted to, he could have carried that guy on his horn around the stadium or thrown him in the stands with a flick of his head. Good thing Bevo is a docile animal. And I’m not sure it was him turning Bevos head as much as it was Bevo trying to gore the dog with his right horn.
  19. His handlers didn’t even slow him down. Can’t help but think some changes will be made. Maybe more handlers or maybe putting some blunt cap on the end of those horns. Would hate to see Bevo wandering around the stadium with a human body part hanging from his horn like Vlad the Impaler.
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