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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. It was still open? I'm honestly amazed.
  2. That’ll do wonders for military morale.
  3. He and every other personality disorder walking around in the wild. Let’s not pretend for a minute that he is sane. America has been taken hostage by a psychopath.
  4. BurntEyes is a good human. And Val’s a good dog.
  5. Get the vibrating base. For the first and probably last time in my life, I maxed out my 401k for the year in January.
  6. Anecdotal, but last week a soldier in my son’s class made some horrible obnoxious racist remarks, and when told he would be reprimanded laughed and exclaimed “no disrespect, sir, but a month ago I would have. Now that would be illegal.” He’s right. And that’s a painful pill.
  7. Cpt Bearschlong flew in from Ft Benning, I picked him up at IAH at 5pm last night, hooked up a trailer in college station, and drove straight through to Ft Carson. No bad weather and it dumped 6 inches the moment we arrived.
  8. Ah the South Austin Jug Band’s Ballad of Eddie Mullet, one of my favorite songs. Keeping with the spirit of the thread.
  9. God that looks good. I haven't been to Biga since I got sober 14 years ago, but that photo brings back fond memories of getting baked out of my mind and going there every NYE with the munchies.
  10. Had my Generac that was installed May of ‘21 serviced this morning. New plugs, filters, fluids, and replaced the battery. And knocked out a few dirt dauber nests.
  11. The original is one of my favorite movies of all time. I would not be disappointed in a franchise.
  12. Fuck that guy. What a weak assed username.
  13. Ok I finally have one. Richmond, VA fairgrounds, 1993 ish. Before I reveal the bands, admission was $20 per vehicle. So we loaded up a keg of Budweiser into a long bed chevy and brought the gang. And a bunch of hash. Fleetwood Mac, and it was before Lindsey, Christine, and Stevie worked out there differences and reunited, so essentially, Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, and some fill ins.. And Bad Company with no Paul Rodgers. They weren't bad, per se, just incomplete. But the price was right.
  14. One hearing aid died, 10 minutes at Costco they replaced the doohickey and its as good as new. 3 years into cheap ($1,500) Philips from Costco and they have by far been the best purchase of my entire life.
  15. Thanks for helping me realize that objectively my beef is with Fox, not the sport.
  16. I amend my previous statement and allow that IndyCar is cooler than NASCAR but nowhere near as awesome as F1, but all gran prix and road course races are far more interesting than those held on ovals. I think Fox Sports sucks, mainly.
  17. Giants and Pats for sure, but Titans or Browns? God could it possibly be THAT bad?
  18. 2 years ago, my company threw a holiday customer party at the Star in Frisco. I didn't bother to fly in, mainly because being around anything cowboys related would have just pissed me off, especially any fake-assed platitudes about winning or tradition or photos of Staubach or Aikman. Apologies for being a cunt, Iggles SB win put me in a surly mood.
  19. Because they are an ad agency and were entertaining customers who spent many millions on super bowl ads and media buys. The key point is that once again an iconic Dallas Cowboys brand was utilized not because of any contemporary competitive football-related relevance, but because their historic glamour still holds novelty interest, if not vague brand recognition to league and network partners.
  20. Are your people “Yats?”
  21. Or Rocket’s headquarters, Detroit.
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