If you’ve gone 2 months without a drink it’s an epic waste of your time and the insurance company’s money to go to treatment. You’re either done or you’re not. I’m going to PM you my phone number, please feel free to give me a text or shout this week. One quick story to establish my bonafides - prior to being separated from alcohol for the last time 14 years ago, I was the poster child for psychiatric pharmacology. Since doctors wouldn’t confront me directly about my drinking habits, my disease manifested itself in everything from ADHD to bipolar disorder, and I was accordingly medicated. Eventually my condition was determined to be garden variety alcoholism of the unremarkable type. The brain zaps you report remind me of weaning from Cymbalta. There are 203 granules in a 60Mg capsule. I built an excel spreadsheet, and over several months opened each capsule and, using forceps and a jeweler’s velvet pad, removed and discarded the unneeded quantity until I was done. Brain zaps suck. Anyway, you and I have a shared experience and I would like to help. At the minimum I’ll try to be amusing. But to be transparent, I’m also going to suggest that you read a book called Alcoholics Anonymous. 40 million copies (no shit) have been printed, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find. Ok, I’m exaggerating. 37 Million is the actual number.