Woke up this morning with unlimited options and absolute freedom. I have a day to myself before getting back on a plane and going to work. Decided to attend a morning meeting, where I saw a dozen people with around 40 years continuous sobriety that helped me get sober back in 2011, sprinkled in with a few newcomers. Old habits die hard - I remember my first weeks of sobriety when this guy would walk into the meeting and share his quiet, calm confident demeanor and I would immediately think “thank goodness this guy showed up, we finally have some adult supervision in the room.” He showed up today and that popped into my mind, and my hope is that 20 years from now I have the same reaction. For anyone struggling, we really are here to help - because though it’s been a while since I had a morning like yours, I’m not immune to ending up right back in that place. I’m going to go eat an omelette, take a boat ride, catch a redfish, take a nap, and pack for my trip. Hope y’all have a swell day.