Is he the type of drinker that will likely require medical detox? I can vouch for and can pm you the name and number of someone there. Houston actually has a world class place called the Menninger clinic and if I had to refer someone and price is no object I’d go there. But honestly if I got struck drunk after almost 14 years of sobriety and needed to go to rehab I’d go to La Hacienda. Or he could just do what he will end up probably having to do and go to AA. Put the plug in the jug, hang up his drinking life, and accept that he’s one of the lucky ones. Meeting finder at AA is simply the most entertaining, life-changing, and meaningful thing I’ve ever done. I would be happy to offer my phone number and time to speak with him, if just to answer any questions and reassure him that he can get better. I’ll shoot you a PM.