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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. TIL that Skipjack and Ladyfish is the same thing.
  2. From the responses:
  3. This rain won’t stop and I’ve got cabin fever so I’m organizing a box of stuff my mom slipped into my truck a while back. Right after dad got home from ‘Nam he went on a long trip to Mexico. I’m guessing Acapulco. I just noticed the Bacardi sign in the background.
  4. Lastly, this is suggested for the wife. She didn’t cause it, she can’t cure it, and she can’t control it - but she can find her own respite. https://al-anon.org/
  5. Also, I have a very good long time sober lawyer friend who went to https://parcbh.com/find-help-today/?utm_campaign=teen&utm_adgroup=teen-rehab&keyword=rehab%20for%20young%20adults&gbraid=0AAAAABQ1rtLS00Sdp1361dKlYY7pNw6dN&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtZK1BhDuARIsAAy2Vzvwk3ZT47J1m2wkkr3pxKWgQ8wRJ3JEwRMTBhSvVQjF1NPOqQGYPS0aAs2cEALw_wcB And he was very satisfied with their treatment.
  6. Is he the type of drinker that will likely require medical detox? I can vouch for https://www.rightsteprehabhouston.com and can pm you the name and number of someone there. Houston actually has a world class place called the Menninger clinic https://www.menningerclinic.org and if I had to refer someone and price is no object I’d go there. But honestly if I got struck drunk after almost 14 years of sobriety and needed to go to rehab I’d go to La Hacienda. Or he could just do what he will end up probably having to do and go to AA. Put the plug in the jug, hang up his drinking life, and accept that he’s one of the lucky ones. Meeting finder at https://aahouston.org/meetings/ AA is simply the most entertaining, life-changing, and meaningful thing I’ve ever done. I would be happy to offer my phone number and time to speak with him, if just to answer any questions and reassure him that he can get better. I’ll shoot you a PM.
  7. Also, I made a little money on RAMP last year but Google is not eliminating cookies anymore so any alternative tech companies are in for a hard sledding.
  8. I’m about to become a believer. I tried to sell them some tech a few years back and then last time I was in Midland I stopped by their “spaceport”. I’ve been of the opinion they were a total scam but now they have satellites scheduled for launch. My son who is military loaded up on their stock last year unbeknownst to me until yesterday.
  9. Beaumont? I keep Seafood Lover in business. Fresh cocktail claw meat. Comes right off, tender and sweet.
  10. 25 years ago my company paid the B52s to play a customer dinner. I bought drinks for Fred, Kate and me at the hotel bar and sat at a banquette and chatted with them while the crew unloaded their gear. I told them the story of how all my HS buddies were into high end car audio systems and we used Rock Lobster as the standard song when comparing/evaluating gear. /csb
  11. If he didn’t have one shitty round at the PGA, and if he hadn’t 3 jacked a few minutes ago, he really had a chance to win more.
  12. Dang it Scottie. Ok, come on Rosie. Or Billy. Or Shane. Rory basically carried him at the Zurich, it’s good to see him playing well.
  13. Scottie! Good day to watch golf. My grandmother skipped church once a year, Sunday at the Open. Here’s to my Nana.
  14. I just finished Hillbilly Elegy, and I thought it was a really good social commentary that made me re-think many of my perceptions as an elite born on 3rd base and married to a social worker. I’ll reserve other opinions for CR, other than to say that he emerged from the rust belt with a surprisingly optimistic attitude in contrast to the Florida governor. It wasn’t quite as enjoyable as Michelle Obama’s book, but then again, she had great family role models.
  15. I took this earlier tonight. My new hero.
  16. Took the Captain to the short rigs on Sunday.
  17. Texted him again and will call as soon as I get off this plane. Edit - he answered my text. He’s maintaining.
  18. I was at a soul sucking tech event at Topgolf in the Colony earlier. When I walked through the bar to the bathroom, I encountered this free spirit. Was so impressed I asked to take a pic of his shirt. I honestly wish I could just embrace this ethos, instead of worrying about a job I hate and a 401k. This man is living.
  19. Does a bear shit in the woods? I love money and helping other people.
  20. Crosby/humble/IAH is a clusterfuck. Picking people up and it is like 3rd world traffic with power out to traffic lights.
  21. My kid is in Mallorca with friends and was posting food porn. I’m pretty sure she is trolling me.
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