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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. Texted him again and will call as soon as I get off this plane. Edit - he answered my text. He’s maintaining.
  2. I was at a soul sucking tech event at Topgolf in the Colony earlier. When I walked through the bar to the bathroom, I encountered this free spirit. Was so impressed I asked to take a pic of his shirt. I honestly wish I could just embrace this ethos, instead of worrying about a job I hate and a 401k. This man is living.
  3. Does a bear shit in the woods? I love money and helping other people.
  4. Crosby/humble/IAH is a clusterfuck. Picking people up and it is like 3rd world traffic with power out to traffic lights.
  5. My kid is in Mallorca with friends and was posting food porn. I’m pretty sure she is trolling me.
  6. Seriously. Two tits, a hole, and a heartbeat. /andrewdiceclay
  7. As a younger fella, I once went for a run while staying at my sister’s house in Del Webb’s master planned community Summerlin, in the suburbs of Las Vegas, and one of the first things I noticed while jogging around the neighborhood was the neatness and efficiency of the underground utility infrastructure. Nevada desert? Bury everything, especially in brand new new raceways and conduit designed and built in parallel with new roads. Easy peasy. Which is what Summerlin has in common with The Woodlands. I’m not an engineer but I can imagine the maintenance shitshow that buried infrastructure would cause in Houston. I foresee thousands of backhoes laying half submerged in a stew of busted up concrete and gumbo mud. Feel free to tell me I’m wrong. After Harvey, Spectrum had to replace 100% of their ground and underground plant. And just ask AT&T how well buried copper holds up, remember when you would see airgas canisters laying on the ground where moisture had seeped into 100 pair cables. There are places in SW LA where centurylink has just abandoned everything.
  8. Event driven architecture! That’s what is kicking off all the incorrect emails. When every device adds to the Kafka stream, right?
  9. Well, the marketing department was prepared.
  10. Earlier we got the 2nd band through Beaumont, and I was standing on my front porch watching the rain when the tree across the street - about 80ft away - took a lightning strike. Kaboom. That was surreal. Put a chill up my spine and made my ears ring.
  11. Is that the Weber? How do you like it?
  12. Every single bird hatched from an egg in a nest. That thought hit me as I sat in the HEB pickup lot earlier, watching a grackle take a shit.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1460155561531796?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw Nice stunt.
  14. He looked fucking ridiculous in the same orange makeup as his opponent.
  15. That’s a lot more holy shit but I feel bad for laughing uncontrollably.
  16. She needs an agent to capitalize on personal lubricant endorsement opportunities. #spitdoesntscalewell
  17. DM me if you want to talk, or if you want my number for your friend. Always happy to help.
  18. Straight to VM. Sending positive vibes. No answer to text.
  19. I just texted him, and noticed he didn't reply to my last one either. I'll give him a call.
  20. So Vin, who did you cast to play your father? Stallone? Eastwood?
  21. I am a grateful mule. A very, very grateful mule.
  22. He is overthinking. Try to look at it this way: Some can stop on their own without help, even after a period of difficulty if presented with a good enough reason, and those who can't stop or stay stop without spiritual help. So, to answer his question, the two types are 1)hard drinkers and 2)alcoholics. My belief is that DNA may play an important role, but is only one factor. Childhood modeling, etc. An interesting discussion point, sure, but secondary to the prospect of successful living without alcohol.
  23. That place is built for scale. I love it.
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