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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. Oh I love those old timers. The first 10 years of the Lakeside conference featured those guys. Here’s a list - https://lakesideconference.org/past_speakers.php Lots of fathers and reverends until 1970 when Chuck C. Showed up. (Also, registration is open and as the resident board member I’d be remiss if I didn’t invite you all to the 2nd oldest AA conference in existence.) The godfather of AA in Beaumont is an Irish Catholic, sober since 1974, a scion of Spindletop. Closely followed by an Italian Boston Catholic (I inadvertently classified him as Irish in a previous post). The great godfather of AA hereabouts is a Puerto Rican by way of Long Island who actually got sober in 1972.
  2. Apparently this is a real product. And website is epic! https://www.jdjellycouchlube.com/
  3. God help us all if I ever have to collect.
  4. Poof. Done. Takes effect on August 11.
  5. And now I’m thinking about lighting up a grand for flood insurance because this thread is making me paranoid.
  6. Wind driven rain and the mandatory $5k annual TWIA premium say “hold my beer”
  7. Let’s go back to Tropical storm Claudette. https://www.weather.gov/lch/1979Claudette Since that storm, drainage district 6 in Beaumont has spend north of $250mm in flood control projects and the place still flooded in Harvey and Imelda. But not my house, which drains straight into both pond Cs in the illustration, which were dug to a depth of 10 feet. I don’t carry flood insurance, but my family “paid” more for flood protection than any other entity in Jefferson County, as every single area highlighted in green was taken from my grandfather via eminent domain. Hindsight being 20/20, our attitude during arbitration in the 80s was “the gotdanged govmint is stealing our land” - but 40 years later we freely admit it was the best decision for the most number of people. I can’t imagine what would have happened had we developed neighborhoods and built houses on all that land. What is now pond B was my private dove field/high school keg party and bonfire venue, so at least I had that. It was outside of city limits.
  8. Good reminder as to why I don’t use light wire leaders at the jetty. I’d rather tie knots than scrub that stuff off the deck, but my catch rate on ladyfish and Spanish is still north of 70%.
  9. Dolphin, Dorado, Mahi Mahi. Thrice as nice.
  10. Ironically, the AA meeting I (and my friend) attended was hosted at the Catholic Church and unofficially run by an old timer Irish Catholic from Boston who drank away his PGA tour career many decades ago.
  11. This. The relapser I mentioned yesterday is a catholic Latino, and for some reason they no comprende “look Tio, I can’t drink” What? Be a man and control it. It’s Easter and you’re breaking family tradition. I can envision his male cousins insulting his manhood. Just chipping away at it. “You did an ACTS retreat so you should be good, homie.” Culturally, it defies logic. And I’m sure that’s not the only ethnic group with similar beliefs. FFS. I have a wonderful extended family and if I even detected a HINT of skepticism or criticism I would explain myself and cut them off. My life means too much to me.
  12. Relapse is just plain ugly. Talked to a guy I sponsored for 3 years, and even though he was a regular at meetings and sorta worked the steps, in the back of my mind I had doubts because he was obsessed with appearances. He called me yesterday because he quit his job several weeks ago rather than facing a surprise drug test. Obviously his company had reason to suspect something was amiss. And they had retained him for 3 years AFTER he had gotten drunk, totaled his company vehicle, and almost killed an innocent in an early morning wreck while he was out looking for his cocaine dealer. He was arrested for DWI and his company was sued by the victim. So after 20 minutes of bullshitting, he admitted he wasn’t sober, and didn’t want to get sober. Also there is a female in the mix. I told him I wasn’t surprised, that he had one foot in and one foot out, that I had a hunch he would relapse as soon as his legal problems disappeared. I actually went to court with this guy about 2 years ago and stood up in front of the judge as his AA sponsor. But for gods grace go I. I’m grateful for the conversation, and glad I get to go to a meeting tonight. I told him that I absolutely do not judge him, and if he changed his mind I would do anything in my power to help him.
  13. Kthx
  14. I just sent the book photo to my sister with that exact same joke. She moved to Eden Prarie last week. I told her to join a church and the hotdish mafia.
  15. Yeah there’s a reason rehab is colloquial known as “spin dry.” pch bringing the dust. Looking forward to visiting your group again.
  16. I met him once, in the speaker’s office of the USHOR. He was wearing a suit and tie, which was unexpected. And now I have been loudly belting out the Dead Milkmen’s entire catalog @ my dogs and they look confused, so thanks guys.
  17. PCUSA I hope. I’m about to do my 2nd term on the session and I’ve headed up fellowship for 3 years, one luncheon a month. When your average member age is 78 you gotta be careful with the spices. Next weekend we’re taking a chartered bus to an Astros game and this year they made me buy primo seats because last year the old folks almost fell trying to get to their seats. I’ve gotten to be close friends with our pastor and I still don’t know if she’s a lesbian because it’s none of my fucking business who or if she fucks. In fact, the question has only sped through my brain for a fleeting moment because it’s unimportant - and, tbh, it was male ego, ie “she is a wonderful lady. I’m lucky she is leading our church. I wonder if she is attracted to me?” And all the conservative assholes departed for the PCA or Pioneer Presbyterian church, and PCUSA is so damned liberal and loving and I am so grateful I’ve never heard anything remotely political at church other than love thy neighbor. It’s a magical la la land where we still sing 300 year old hymns.
  18. There’s no way I could go to the Apollo without singing the intro to the show I watched when I was a kid.
  19. TIL that Skipjack and Ladyfish is the same thing.
  20. From the responses:
  21. This rain won’t stop and I’ve got cabin fever so I’m organizing a box of stuff my mom slipped into my truck a while back. Right after dad got home from ‘Nam he went on a long trip to Mexico. I’m guessing Acapulco. I just noticed the Bacardi sign in the background.
  22. Lastly, this is suggested for the wife. She didn’t cause it, she can’t cure it, and she can’t control it - but she can find her own respite. https://al-anon.org/
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