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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. SIAP https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/4ZXW2rlZfE
  2. I just talked to my best bud who drives those huge 1000 ft barge strings down the Mississippi from Illinois to Louisiana. As I was hanging up I said “try not to hit any bridges” and he laughed and said since the Baltimore incident his company is shitting bricks. They made him map out every one of the 70 bridges he will transit in the next 4 days. Then he sent me this, from when a front pushed through recently. There's a reason those guys make a half mil a year.
  3. “So Dad, I've been flying around in Chinooks a lot. Do you know what that is? Anyway, it is fucking HOT here and the turbines are attached to the ceiling so we fly guns out with the ramp down for ventilation.” Sends him pic of his grandfather flying in a Chinook in SE Asia 56 years ago. “Yeah son, I do”
  4. Stephanie Ketchum on B95 FM? She is married to my buddy, such a cool chick. Seriously, the guy I stay with in Leander during hurricane evacuations - he was driving on the Lake Charles bridge on the way to a fraternity formal in New Orleans when a piece of steel beam flew off the truck in front of him, through his window, and ripped his face and scalp off. He was hospitalized for 6 months. He had great reconstructive surgeons. I still white knuckle that bridge on my way to Baton Rouge, but my wife refuses. She will take the Veteran’s Bridge but refuses to take the Rainbow.
  5. I did mine in the summer at Lamar. They had Cameros. Drove all the way to the end of 1st St in Sabine Pass by the old Coast Guard beacon. Of course, by then I'd been driving around the mean streets of Beaumont after midnight with a cold beer in my left hand and some father’s teenaged daughter snuggled up to my right for quite some time, but I had to check the boxes.
  6. So who thinks Reddit is the new FAANG? I made some money on it today. Thinking I might add some weight tomorrow.
  7. Me at 30 - “time to wake up and get freaaaakayyyy!” Me at 50 - “cool, now I can watch that movie she has no interest in”
  8. I've got the one that sits on a foldable stand. Best $75 I have ever spent.
  9. I don't roll with real ballers, he is just a BRK.B poor like me. Hoping maybe I hear something somewhere that intrigues me.
  10. That is awesome. Congratulations.
  11. Stuck in the desert with a surplus of gym time.
  12. Concur is just a platform for travel agencies, right? I use it but for last-minute changes, I have to call an AMEX agent.
  13. My kiddo is on her way to breaking up with her boyfriend because of his drinking. St. Patrick's Day in Chicago was the last straw. “When he drinks it's as if he becomes a different person.” I really feel for the guy. Former B1G starting athlete who had his career ended instantly due to a gruesome injury followed by agonizing surgeries and rehab. Overbearing teetotalling, orthodox parents whose approval was elusive. Then he gripped the lightning rod that is my child and his emotional immaturity became apparent. Grateful that she realizes the truth about him. A precious sweet man but when he drinks. . .
  14. At a recent charity fundraiser banquet, my wife and I were seated at Weber’s table. The only reason I didn't pick a fight with him was because I was there at the invitation of my FIL and his friend Joe Penland, who for all his quixotic (www.joefromtexas.com) eccentricities, very quietly gives MANY millions to worthy charities and is generally an exceedingly polite, well-meaning old coot. We just gave him our best surly stare, ate our desiccated catered banquet chicken breast, and left the moment the MC put down the microphone and before the awkward white people dancing. I can't recall a more uncomfortable social encounter. May the leopard feast well on that dipshit.
  15. Agreed. Very emotional ending. The Nietzsche quotes were timely, and the humanitarian missions were a fitting end.
  16. Exceptions exist. Even though I have a BBA in finance/RE and have handled three private fsbo transactions in the last two years, I see value in outsourcing my current transaction. As developers/builders/realtors, my dad, uncle, and grandfather were all past presidents of the Beaumont Board of Realtors from the 1950s-1990s - I just don't want to schedule my day job and business travel around dealing with showings/buyers on this one. I'll know if I picked the right RE agent after this weekend. Of course, I'm also seriously considering employing a professional organizer to help unfuck my wife’s habitat. Lately I've taken a DIWhy approach.
  17. Csb/ 30 years ago there was a guy in a shady-looking office on Richmond in Houston who would buy points from business travelers and sell you a flat rate ticket to anywhere you wanted to go domestically for $300. All you had to do was go pick up a paper ticket from the Continental Airlines counter conveniently located at Oshman’s Sporting Goods on Post Oak across from the Galleria. He advertised in the Chronicle’s classifieds. It worked, and IIRC I was even able to call and change my return flight from Boston at the last minute and without much hassle. I'd love to know the backstory on that enterprise. /csb
  18. Sorry, was incorrectly mixing events. Table is at Hubbard Inn with reserved access to the River dyeing.
  19. Have fun. My daughter’s office at 35 W Wacker overlooks the river. She and her crew have a reserved riverside table at some nice place with bottle service, Champagne, and beer buckets reserved for the river dyeing at 10, but they have to be at their table and ready to get well-lubricated by 7 am. Then afterward, a reception at the office. Should be interesting. I might go next year, someone has to drink the coffee.
  20. Sometimes a blind squirrel is right twice a day. Thanks for the $.
  21. Meetings are WAY more exciting than dying of acute alcoholism, or at least that's my accepted narrative. Where does he live?
  22. And for the relative lack of stretch compared to mono in light tackle uses (yes I know that under load it's more stretch than mono.)
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