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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. Ok I finally have one. Richmond, VA fairgrounds, 1993 ish. Before I reveal the bands, admission was $20 per vehicle. So we loaded up a keg of Budweiser into a long bed chevy and brought the gang. And a bunch of hash. Fleetwood Mac, and it was before Lindsey, Christine, and Stevie worked out there differences and reunited, so essentially, Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, and some fill ins.. And Bad Company with no Paul Rodgers. They weren't bad, per se, just incomplete. But the price was right.
  2. One hearing aid died, 10 minutes at Costco they replaced the doohickey and its as good as new. 3 years into cheap ($1,500) Philips from Costco and they have by far been the best purchase of my entire life.
  3. Thanks for helping me realize that objectively my beef is with Fox, not the sport.
  4. I amend my previous statement and allow that IndyCar is cooler than NASCAR but nowhere near as awesome as F1, but all gran prix and road course races are far more interesting than those held on ovals. I think Fox Sports sucks, mainly.
  5. Giants and Pats for sure, but Titans or Browns? God could it possibly be THAT bad?
  6. 2 years ago, my company threw a holiday customer party at the Star in Frisco. I didn't bother to fly in, mainly because being around anything cowboys related would have just pissed me off, especially any fake-assed platitudes about winning or tradition or photos of Staubach or Aikman. Apologies for being a cunt, Iggles SB win put me in a surly mood.
  7. Because they are an ad agency and were entertaining customers who spent many millions on super bowl ads and media buys. The key point is that once again an iconic Dallas Cowboys brand was utilized not because of any contemporary competitive football-related relevance, but because their historic glamour still holds novelty interest, if not vague brand recognition to league and network partners.
  8. Are your people “Yats?”
  9. Or Rocket’s headquarters, Detroit.
  10. It was definitely the B or C team. The ones that need whatever they pay to do a corporate gig in Chicago in February. Tbh I thought they were impersonators but alas they autographed and passed out actual DCC posters.
  11. Tonight my daughters ad firm (worlds biggest creative agency) threw a big super bowl party for their clients in Chicago. The entertainment? You guessed it. The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Not like they are gonna be needed anywhere near a Super Bowl anytime soon. IMG_7849.mov
  12. Holy shit thank you for adding to family lore. Ain't nothing like a good price of ass. Edit : apparently I missed the point and was the only one in the family that hadn't paid attention to that movie. I am ridiculed.
  13. After handling three deals personally I did use my buddy’s daughter to list the last house that I sold, and I told her that her job was to shield me from buyers and their agent, and to be my therapist for when I lapsed into all-around OCD and wonkiness. Plus when we're flying down the ICW towards the golden nugget at 100mph+ my buddy refuses gas money, so I buy the meals and hope I did his kid a solid.
  14. Not enough rep for this. As I have no accounts at the moment, I have achieved perfect salesforce hygiene for the first time in 25 years. And I pray to God that changes next week.
  15. Massive reorg and realignment in GTM, and I’m on the bench because I refuse to move to an RTO-friendly locale. As my boss said “we don't know what to do with you.” I'm 15 minutes from my driveway to the TSA line and managers who never visit the office themselves wont hire me because they have been instructed to hire people who are near the office, despite not having enough office space should everyone show up on the same day. We all travel to customer sites, conferences, and restaurants anyway. So I've been rage-applying to every single position in the company and judging by the phone calls my boss has been fielding, necessity is quickly overtaking policy. Interviewed yesterday to cover my dream account of a lifetime, the kind that you will tell stories about in 20 years. Should hear by next week. Did 364% in ‘24, excellent performance reviews, which won't be fully baked into the system til Feb 20th. Its nice being PIP proof for a while, and commission multipliers are unreal. The message last week was “we need to quickly find you a home soon” which changed to “which of these jobs sound most interesting to you?” Tl;Dr - I continue to dodge raindrops and I am the luckiest guy on the planet.
  16. My kid codes super bowl ads for broadcast, and the price for an ad is almost double from last year because people might see Taylor. The fix is in at a $1m/ half second.
  17. Indeed. I watched drive to survive so now I’m expert and throwing around acronyms. Lol. I never gave car racing much thought but now I’m obsessed. At our 2025 company kickoff a VP appeared in Red Bull kit and was booed mightily in the chat window.
  18. Any recommendations for driver fitting in Houston?
  19. My company has a prominent logo and is the AI provider for SF. Some amazing fan experience stuff to follow soon. If given the decision between accessing the paddock at F1 or the clubhouse at the masters, my head would explode.
  20. Storyworth.com My wife gave me this for Christmas a few years back and I’m going to be leaving everyone my memoirs.
  21. On Sunday I stripped down to my boxers and took a nap in the sun on my boat.
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