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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. Well Pete, congress disagrees to the point where they overrode a veto, so eat a dick. What is the fascination with Ft Bragg? Does the name sound cool or something? Kinda like the success Texas had with guys named Strong and Smart. Cool names, debatable talent.
  2. Jetties are to interrupt the longshore current to prevent shoals from forming in dredged ship channels. And Galveston has rock groins spaced intermittently along the seawall to preserve their modest beach.
  3. I would imagine that California will be active enforcing laws and policies. Here in Texas, I lost a beachfront lot and house to Ike. A shoe box sized hunk of concrete was the only evidence remaining. When the LIDAR map was set, we lost half the lot to the beach and so the state bought us out, and we took the insurance money and did not rebuild. Our neighbor, a not inconsequential trial attorney, sold his lot to a guy who overbuilt about 30’ on our former property, now owned by the state. When he pointed it out to the guy his reply was “fuck off, I'm friends with half the Texas general land office, so unless you're planning on filing a lawsuit shut up.” If you're in Crystal Beach and see a giant white house with a red roof in Singing Sands, that's the guy. So I'm interested to see how many people in CA decide to do what they want to do and chance litigation.
  4. And to think a short year ago we were watching the atmospheric river slide houses at Dana Point into the Pacific. I took this last February.
  5. Well shit. Rare that I root for y'all but I sure was tonight.
  6. Positive vibes for all affected. Thanks C-Man for the explanations. I bitch about having to pay for windstorm/wind-driven rain insurance, but that pales in comparison to the prospect of wind-driven fire. Or wind driven earth, for that matter.
  7. I'd love to know how that household injury went down.
  8. Matilda May Bearschlong came home today. Dachshund #3. The others are not amused yet.
  9. John Lithgow plays the exact same character in every single performance.
  10. I don't know the suspect but I know people who now know people who did.
  11. The only thing I terrorized was an errant field mouse.
  12. 12 years ago when I was fucking the ass off my then gf every 2 hours and people made comments like this I would think “ha ha ha you poor bastards that will never happen to me.” Then men-pause or whatever the fuck it's called happened. Now all I have is a fist bump and a “I feel ya bro”
  13. BearSchlong


    “I just witnessed my whole marriage encapsulated into the last 5 minutes and now Im exhausted” was a pretty good line. “I don't know if I want to lose another lover but I wouldn't mind having a dick in my face” was funny too.
  14. Swing by the friendship AA group in lewisville. Their username checks out. Or the Chicago group in north Dallas. They won't disappoint. Simply AA in Irving. And what PCH said. He is legit.
  15. I lost my virginity to a half Italian/half Cherokee vixen on Dec 23 1987 while listening to Rubber Soul, so this hits hard. Bravo!
  16. I may be starting an Al-anon thread. I'll bring details later; but my son and DIL left Christmas 12 hours early because of his sibling’s drinking. I have no objectivity wrt my precious little girl. Page 90 of the 12&12 and page 417 of the BB are my solace.
  17. BearSchlong


    Yep. I should have read your posts before spouting off like inside baseball.
  18. BearSchlong


    Also he said there is a good chance that Ambev is paying Sheridan for all the ultra jokes. Lean into the bud light hate for a demographic audience that can't be swayed, get them to buy more ultra. Same company. Season 1 of Yellowstone was bud until coors outbid them for season 2.
  19. BearSchlong


    My stepbrother is the Anheuser busch distributor marketing contact quoted at length in the WSJ articles throughout all the bud light blowback; I showed him the scene on Christmas eve and he laughed and said yeah Ultra is through the roof. My SIL hired the red clay strays for 3 events so that episode hit close to home.
  20. Christ on a cracker its 1/3 over. Had 50 people over last night. Only one argument. I refuse to rehash past grievances so I after all the younguns retired to the patio with a case of wine I put on some Christmas jazz and chilled. I'm becoming my late father. I'll work like hell and pay good money for a big party but when I'm done I need a quiet room and some topo chicos. It was cold, and I had several propane firepits and heaters going. My main goal was to keep all my cousins kids from setting themselves or each other on fire. Mission accomplished. Made a gumbo from the meat and stock of a 12 lb Greenberg and that is just about the tastiest thing ever.
  21. BearSchlong


    Glad to see the Red Clay Strays getting some Sheridan universe love. Was at a party they played about 10 years ago and they are super talented. Segue to Bad Santa.
  22. BearSchlong


    I hope you get married one day and have a daughter whose hotter than a 2 dollar Rolex! This family is awesome
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