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Posts posted by Barry_McCokiner

  1. 5 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    Who rules the seven kingdoms at then end?

    King of the North (Winterfell) - Sansa Stark

    King of the Mountain (Vale) - Robin Arryn

    King of the Isles and the Rivers (Riverrun) - 

    King of th Rock (Casterly Rock )- Tyrion Lannister

    King of the Reach (Highgarden) - Bronn of the Blackwater

    King of the Stormlands (Storm's End) - Gendry Baratheon

    King of Dorne (Dorne)  - Unknown Name Prince of Dorne

    Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms - John Snow


    No way it ends well for Bronn.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Go Pokes said:

    Unless Euron is an idiot, something he appears not to be, I'm assuming he has scorpions mounted at the front, back, left side, and right side of as many boats as possible.  And since you can teleport in this universe, I assume mass producing scorpions is no problem at all.   They has a bunch of them mounted on the walls of KL and it looked like every boat had at least one on it.  What's another 50-75 scorpions in this world?  

    Is it hard to mass produce scorpions?  I'd guess not, even without Gendry.

  3. Just now, Skipper said:

    I need to go back and watch again as I watched after all day boozing before/at Stars game so this could be off, but even suspending reality on the ridiculousness of that scene and taking for granted that these weapons are powerful enough to take out the dragon in the fashion that it did, then why does Daenerys and the rest of her team remain so confident they can't take Kings Landing now down a dragon? I mean it's pretty clear she is significantly outnumbered and her only advantage is the dragon, but if the dragon can be taken out that easily (and presumably these things are spread all over the walls of Kings landing to provide maximum defense), why are they acting like it's just a fact that if she chooses to burn Kings Landing (and innocent civilians) it's an automatic victory?  Seems 50/50 at best but the conflict from Daenery's and her advisors perspective doesn't appear to be "if" she will win but only how she should go about doing it (and if the fact she will win taking innocent lives means Jon would be the better King).

    Dany is an idiot.  Her team may or may not think they can take it, but they're just following orders.

  4. 1 hour ago, deech said:

    I don't think bran gives a shit to help either side.  He knows the consequences of Jon telling Sansa and says it's up to you when it could mean he's fucked the minute he told her and Bran knows it. 

    He should have warged into the dragon when Jon fell off.  That was a missed opportunity.  Him helping now doesn't make any sense. 

    The big plot writing so far has been sub par.  I feel confident that if a lot of people in this thread and a lot of fans of the show were to sit down and write key plot points over these last episodes that they would have made this ending much more interesting.  I mean Dany jumps in boats after getting her ass handed to her last season.  


    Bran is all about fate.  If he cared about anyone he would've told Theon to run when NK showed up.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Loco said:

    Vairies  should have known, what happened to all his little birds?  Seems like your spymaster sucks if he can't get a report of monster crossbow fortifications being built on castle walls... of the castle you called home for god knows how many years...  oh, no spies left in the fucking capital?


    Everyone knew the bows existed.  Probably didn’t take Euron long to get them on board his ships

  6. 1 hour ago, USC Traveler said:

    The rampant stupidity continues unabated:

    Dany doesn’t want to wait let her dragons and the Northmen heal, or wait for reinforcements from Dorne. 

    Jon, Tyrion, etc don't want to Dany to kill innocents and look evil by burning the city, so they're going to starve them out instead ?  That will make her look benevolent ?

    We don't get to see Arya and Sansa's reactions to the news of who Jon's parents were. 

    After Dany's fleet was savaged by Euron last season because Yara apparently had no scout ships, Dany once again goes back to sea instead of marching overland, and has no advance scouting to see where Euron might be hiding ?   D+D literally said after the episode that "Dany forgot about Euron."  LOL

    Euron's ships apparently can’t be seen from the air ? 

    Euron has ship-to-air guided crossbows that can shoot around mountains and are deadly accurate at long range and high altitude, but not so much during a low-altitude frontal attack ?

    The Unsullied are able to swim ashore in their armor, but somehow Missandei can’t, even though she grew up on a tropical island and is only wearing leather ? 


    My wife and I had low expectations for this week, and were still disappointed.  These next two weeks could get really ugly.  A complete crash and burn isn't out of the question.

    Dany is in a hurry to get the fucknoutnof winterfell and win this war as she rightfully senses that the masses would want Jon to be king if they found out 



    starving them out buys time and who knows maybe theyd supply food to the citizens?


    do you whine because it makes you feel like one of the guys here?   Rationalize things before spewing shit out.  



    Dany is changing before our eyes.  Maybe she cried over the dragon maybe she doesn’t.  Does anyone care if it’s shown other than you and your wife.  We’re running out of time.  

    • Like 4
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  7. 7 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Has he been that clear? He swore to Dany that he wouldn’t conspire behind her back, and she threatened to burn him alive if he did.  And his speech that he promised to tell her when she’s making a mistake aligned to that promise but talking about backing Jon is violating that vow.

    *gasp*. Broken vows.  Oh no

  8. 7 hours ago, thunderlounge said:

    Some nice little one-liners sprinkled throughout. Hound giving Gendry shit over Arya, as mentioned the Hound when Arya shows up to tag along. 

    Guess she isn’t planning on going back North. Not sure what to make of that. You knew she would turn Gendry down though. 

    Speaking of Lord Gendry Baratheon, nice little move by Dany. I thought she was going to be all cunty about it, then nope. That was a good deed by her, but it’s too bad she’s spinning into the madness of her heritage.

    That was a power move by her.  She wanted to get the crowd toblike her.  

  9. 6 minutes ago, Drew said:

    How about overconfident? They probably believe d Cersei was holed up in kings landing waiting for an attack.

    Also no one ever said they had military geniuses.

    And how many times in REAL war have there been sneak attacks despite actually smart tacticians knowing they could be coming and still get caught surprised?

    Dany is in a hurry to get this done because the longer this ferments, the more likely Jon or someone in his faction pushes the claim.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, naija said:

    I guess you missed the part about "how many times does it happen" and to the same set of people over and over. by the same guy no less.

    Well who else is at war here?  You mean Cersei was just gonna let fate happen?  Also, you may have missed the prior episode, but the north is pretty depleted.  Dany was advised to wait, but of course, she doesn't.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, naija said:

    and she's never encountered said weapons before? none of the military geniuses assembled ever heard of doing some recon? how many times has the plot just conveniently included sneaking up on people/surprise attacks..... bleh.

    Yeah, cause the element of surprise has never happened in real life.  Ned should've seen Littlefinger for the dirt bag he was.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, achooloco said:

    Yeah I don’t get the illiterati. One episode too much fighting no classic GoT then complaints of no action... so shaggy/surly. To be fair you can’t not like parts of it but I thought this was a great episode 

    Yeah they're saying it's too rushed.  IIt's like we only have two episodes left or something

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