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Everything posted by Barry_McCokiner

  1. Pretty sure he's still laughing at how fast the unsullied got to King''s landing.
  2. I don't think I've seen a better 1.5 hours and I can't wait till next week. Memo to self, never let Sansa be your secret keeper. Now, the important stuff, how the hell did the Unsullied reach Kings Landing so quickly?
  3. How long did it take them? How long should it have taken them? What do you disagree with? you worry about stupid, insignificant shit.
  4. Remember the griping of Gendry running back from Antartica?
  5. Yes, I want to know how Theon gotto Winterfell so swiftly and what he ate along the way.
  6. Everytime I see All Saints I think about the kid that died in You gotServed. Spoiler
  7. Not sure if mentioned but Clemson lands #2 rb in nation. I thought they would be a threat for Evans but maybe not.
  8. All unnecessary. The zombies were beating that northern ass. There's like 800 guys left.
  9. It’s just another unnecessary thing to whine about.
  10. Stills are out. They definitely show the north characters.
  11. He didn't even have the dignity to give a reach around...errrr post spoilers
  12. Doesn't look like a thousand people total survived the battle:
  13. I've got a map of Winterfell. By my estimation, Arya must run a 3 minute mile if she was able to get there and hide from the Night King. I also don't know how far away the NK was, but I just want to bitch about things that don't make sense.
  14. Which part is more far fetched then Melisandre lighting a mile long trench with her bare hands in -20 degreee weather?
  15. A lady revived a dude that was dead for days. If you're still watching after that, it's on you. Quit worrying about whether Gendry should've been able to run 20 miles i n2 hours in arctic temperatures. Enjoy the show. Or don't. If not, I'd change the channel, but that's me.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/TheHerd/videos/416324422480564/
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