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Posts posted by Barry_McCokiner

  1. 8 minutes ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    you are starting to sound like Derka.

    Im sure he gives this episode a .5 out of 10 because there was no warning about Rhegar getting shot out of the sky, or  missandei not being another major character who dies.

    Pretty sure he's still laughing at how fast the unsullied got to King''s landing.  

    • Like 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, GabrielsHorn said:

    How the fuck do you not notice boars when you are flying?

    how the fuck do you not outflank them in the air when they can’t turn?

    how can they reload and apply all the momentum needed like it’s a fucking machine gun?

    how does Cersei have any power whatsoever when she blew up the Pope a who was beloved?

    The amount this show gives to Cersei to flip an unwinnable situation is complete bullshit

    There was more than one gun. 

  3. 6 hours ago, CurlyDumps said:

    Ah, my bad. I dont remember that scene.  Pretty sure it doesnt show them taking off running on foot, though.

    How long did it take them?  How long should it have taken them?  What do you disagree with?

    7 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    Yes, because it was stupid, and it happened to take place in an episode that is a great example how the show has not only fallen off, but at times fundamentally changed its MO during the latter seasons. The entire idea to capture one of those zombie soldiers and take it to Cersei was really really stupid and nonsensical to begin with, and the way they assembled some all-star A Team to go out and get it like it was the latest Avengers movie or something goes against what made this show great to begin with. And, of course, going with the theme of the change of MO during the later seasons, despite this being an absolutely insane mission with all odds stacked against them, aside from some faceless background characters and one D-list "main" character, everyone survived unharmed, Hollywood style.

    You bringing up the criticism of that episode and that particular moment with total incredulity ("Can you believe that anyone would say anything critical about this show, ever?!") is par for the course from everyone in your contingent. Yes, many fans of the show were critical of that moment, and with many good reasons. Instead of ever engaging in any actual discussion about these issues, you guys just continue to get upset and ask why we even watch the show if we hate it so much. I'd ask you to consider taking a page from GoT and change your MO.

    you worry about stupid, insignificant shit.  

    • Like 1
  4. 54 minutes ago, Llano Estacado said:

    That realism post should have been in Hank Scorpio font. Tongue was firmly in check.

    It’s an epic TV drama set in a fantasy world. A wide audience tunes in. Some for dragons and magic. Some for character development and drama. Some for flaming swords and head crushing. But at the end it’s all a story we’re watching for entertainment. I like some of all of it.

    I fully expect some angry tweets and posts after these last episodes about main characters “teleporting” across Westeros. There’s not enough time left to have more character development dialogue on boats and marches. Hence, Theon saying “alright you’re free now sister and a supporting character needs a redemption arc in winterfell.” Wormhole opens. Theons in the North some unknown days later “Okay I’m ready to die for the Starks and mankind now at the same location I was a turncoat”.

    D&D lose 2 minutes of run time, but they gave the audience closer.

    Yes, I want to know how Theon gotto Winterfell so swiftly and what he ate along the way.

  5. 1 hour ago, smuggs said:

    Ah yes, the superior display of creative writing was to have them menacingly enter the Winterfell gates and do absolutely nothing. 


    Spitballing here: 

    - Having lost some homies to Valeryian steel, the white walkers are now heavily armored.

    - The white walkers have attained archery skills and/or have trained a company of undead archers.

    - The white walkers actually use their undead horses not just as a bony barstool but in an organized cavalry attack.

    - The white walkers do something, anything, that might add to the entertainment value of their final appearance in this series of which they have been a part of since Episode 1.



    All unnecessary.  The zombies were beating that northern ass.  There's like 800 guys left.

  6. 20 minutes ago, idigTexas said:

    I think he is referring to Theon swinging the bow at wights when he was out of arrows.  I don't know why this would be a sticking point.  We have seen over the seasons that wights can be taken out with conventional weapons, but they would only be mostly dead, and could be re-raised by the Night King.  I don't think Theon would stop to think about the consequences at that point. 

    It’s just another unnecessary thing to whine about.  

  7. 39 minutes ago, smwhorn said:

    Heard an interesting take today "at the water cooler."  Since the last two episodes have not mentioned Cersei/King's Landing etc, the next episode will be what has been happening/is happening with that crew and that none of the Winterfell characters will be in the next episode.  I can't see that happening as all the main characters other than a select few are in Winterfell and not King's Landing, but I'm not the GOT expert.  It is an interesting thought/idea though.

    Stills are out.  They definitely show the north characters.

  8. 2 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    Did you steal the script for the sequel to Ready Player One and decide to leak it on this thread? Bold move. 

    I think we’ve seen this show play with numbers for the entirety of its existence. This won’t be different. 

    He didn't even have the dignity to give a reach around...errrr post spoilers

  9. 1 minute ago, elguapo said:

    That doesn't excuse lazy writing like the main characters seemingly being the only ones who survived being overrun by the dead army, that has completely annihilated everything else in it's path. I'm also prepared that magically thousands of Unsullied will have survived the battle, even though it looked like all but a couple dozen were left outside the trench to protect the retreat. If the show writers require source material to work off of to avoid these errors then they are just bad at their job.

    It's still a fun show, but it's not the same show as seasons 1-4 and these inconsistencies detract from my enjoyment of it.

    Doesn't look like a thousand people total survived the battle:


    HBO releases photos from Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4!



    HBO releases photos from Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4!

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, A-Tex Devil said:

    I listened to The Watch podcast and I’m with Greenwald and Ryan.  It was an awesome episode with flaws but up there with some of the most transcendent television ever, simply because of the scope and ambition.  

    To (mis)quote Andy Greenwald - If I actually saw how Arya got from the room to jumping at the night king would the episode have been that much better? No.  It wouldn’t.  That applies to a bunch of scenes.  Unless you are one of those people that need to see people crapping in the Walking Dead.  Then I guess it matters.  Why be so fucking negative?  It wasn’t perfect but it was still fucking exhilarating. 

    I've got a map of Winterfell.  By my estimation, Arya must run a 3 minute mile if she was able to get there and hide from the Night King.  I also don't know how far away the NK was, but I just want to bitch about things that don't make sense.  

    • Like 1
  11. 15 minutes ago, gurt said:

    Derka is right.  You are bound by the universe you have previously created.  Jon being resurrected by a witch falls in line with the magic of this world.  People being able to escape certain death in a matter of jump cuts has not been how the show previously worked.  Just because there is magic doesn't mean there aren't natural laws and rules in place.  

    It is lazy writing to use the excuse of magic to mean literally anything can happen.

    Which part is more far fetched then Melisandre lighting a mile long trench with her bare hands in -20 degreee weather?

  12. 3 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    just because magic exists in this world doesn't mean we abandon any semblance of logic or reason when looking at the story. "dragons exist, therefore none of this story needs to add up or make sense." that's the stance you're taking? good luck with that.

    I mean fuck it, why not have Ned Stark leading the charge on King's Landing next week? Or better yet how about Iron Man? Yeah yeah, we'll have Iron Man and Ned Stark riding into battle on Kit from Knightrider, only to find out that Cersei has changed her mind about ruling the 7 Kingdoms, opting instead to enter into a three way marriage with previously unseen characters Ron and Tammy Greyjoy (played by Nick Offerman and Megan Mullaly), after the three of them killed Euron and took his fleet back to Iron Islands for a marathon nine session. Because hey- dragons and magic exist, so anything goes, right?

    A lady revived a dude that was dead for days.  If you're still watching after that, it's on you.  Quit worrying about whether Gendry should've been able to run 20 miles i n2 hours in arctic temperatures.  Enjoy the show.  Or don't.  If not, I'd change the channel, but that's me.

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