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Posts posted by Barry_McCokiner

  1. 6 hours ago, ztejas said:

    Okay, I get it. Again, it seems like a weird turn in his character arc and a side-plot that didn't really add much to the film. 

    "Hey, we need to get the gang back together. What's Hawkeye up to?"

    "Oh he's out serial killing drug dealers. You know, normal stuff"

    No  they were like “he’s pretty fucked up and needs to stop”

  2. 10 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Yeah, I mean, he walked right up to Bran at a leisurely pace.   He didn't account for Arya, who he didn't know about, but wars are often decided by critical mistakes and impatience. 

    I know what you're getting at, but he walks up to a cripple and a eunich with a spear, it's over in his mind.  I'm not sure he knew about Arya.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Dennis Taylor said:

    if he replenishes his hordes often enough the opposition would be overwhelmed and there would be no one left to defend Bran, the castle, or anything else. Theon et al could not have handled twice as many attackers for any length of time 

    There was noone left to defend Bran....in his eyes.

  4. 47 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    So, like, is every 21 year old dude who didn't turn to dust trying to get back their still 16 year old dusted cousins? Is that going to be legal now?

    And good luck sorting out a million new marriages with new kids. "You couldn't wait 5 years for Iron Man to invent time travel?!?"


  5. 1 minute ago, Js1 said:

    Maybe Thor will be forced to trade his life for Gamora's in GOTG3: The Search for Gamora.  Some sort of blaze of glory ending for him too.  It truly felt like this was the ending for the OGs:  Nat is dead, Cap is retired, Tony is dead, Hawkeye is retired, Hulk is going to just run the show behind the scenes (maybe next SHIELD director) but maybe Thor gets his swan song in GOTG3. 

    Agree.  I don't see how they can match what they've done the last ten years.

  6. 58 minutes ago, pacman said:

    I enjoyed it very much. Love the role played by Lyanna Mormont.

    I liked Melisandre's creative return...to see her doubt herself, once again, and then come through at the last moment..a victory before she fades away

    Will agree, I had trouble with the darkness but it is night in an era of no electricity so...


     I like Tyrion's long game to try and land Sansa's fine ass..


    I know it seems like the battle was not strong enough, but we have not yet seen the toil it took on the soldiers/commoners. I am really struggling to understand how they will fight for the Iron Throne when EVERYBODY is gone (except main characters). I guess they will now convince others who did not battle with them against the night king and Theon's sister.

    I think Daario comes through with an army for Dany.

    47 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    If I’m Cersei, and I know that the winner at winterfell is going to get their shit together and come south for my crown and my head, i march my newly purchased army north and position them so that they can attack winterfell during the aftermath of the first battle when the victor will be weakest and in disarray. 

    She might do that.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Horn of Gabriel said:

    The NK is a magical undead zombie Terminator.  Apparently he's into creating crop circles with the dismembered corpses of those he kills.  That's freaky enough without some deeper meaning behind it.

    Because otherwise it would be a pretty boring story?  We're seeing a slice of time in Westeros for this story, and it happens to be a pretty interesting time because of a confluence of events.

    Maybe his goal was to do something to/with Bran 1st?  Maybe he wants to suck out his brain, warg into Bran and access the Godswoods.net, or something else? Or maybe he's a egotistical shitface who gets off on killing cripples personally?  Up until that point he's survived dragon fire and a fall from 1000 ft in the air, so he's basically shown to be invincible - no reason to have the wights kill Theon when Theon is no more of a threat than a housefly.  Plus he gets to rub it in Bran's face.


    NK couldn't get around the wall until he got the dragon.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, speed817 said:

    I don't think he was able to lift it in Ultron because of the stuff he knew about the death of Tony's parents.  It was only after he came clean about it in Civil War that he was now worthy to be able to wield Mjolnir.

    He knew about it then?

  9. Just now, Goo Punch said:

    uh, i'm not even close to the only person in this thread who wasn't blown away by last night's episode, nor is there a lack of GoT fans here/everywhere who feel the show has fallen off since seasons 3-4. i'm just the one being singled out for not being blown away. 

    Of course you're not. And no, the other miserable fucks are being singled out too.  Why have you stuck around for the last 3-4 seasons though?  Move on if it's so awful. 

  10. 11 hours ago, Fat Bastard said:

    Amazing episode. Arya has long been my favorite character and glad it was her and not Snow who killed the NK. Awesome sequence. She’s pure fucking bad ass


    one question I had was regarding the dragon glass. Throughout all their other battles with the WW they’ve been killed with conventional weapons and of course re-animated by the NK. I thought dragon glass was supposed to kill these fuckers forever and not allow them to be re-animated.  Could’ve used all that time building a 1/2 mile wide trench and filling it with oil to ignite instead of making those weapons if they had the same result 

    The only people that were raised were the northerners that died.  They weren't killed by dragon glass.

    3 hours ago, alincoln said:

    Shocking that none of Podrick, Tormund, Grey Worm, Varys, Davos, Sam, Gilly, Missandei or Gendry died.  They all could have died and taken little away from the story going forward.  Brienne and The Hound are also secondary characters, but they have obvious arcs left to complete and their deaths would have been surprising.

    The main characters at Winterfell were Tyrion, Jaime, Dany, Jon, Sansa, Arya and Bran (Starks, Lannisters and Targs) and they all survived.  Typical for the post-Martin era of the show though.


    I suspect Missandie is going to narc on Tyrion/Sansa.  The others will also die in due time.  Just because they're irrelevant, doesn't mean they have to die.

    9 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    The fuck? First off, that sentence on its face is too dumb to give a serious response, and second, the history channel is too busy talking about aliens and showing reality TV to cover any actual history. 

    And finally, and i'm gonna *try* to only say this once, but we'll see how this goes:


    Shaggy, for years: OTHER PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE THEIR OWN OPINIONS DERKA, jesus, can we permaban this fuck already, gah?!?!?!


    This happens with every major TV show in the internet age. The fanboys refuse to even allow for the idea that the show isn't still at its 100% absolute peak level of greatness, and they butthurtedly attack anyone who says otherwise en masse. This site (or at least it's predecessor) was literally founded so that people could be free to give their actual opinions, regardless of popularity or PC-ness, but a huge portion of the denizens here only like that ideology when it aligns with exactly what they think and feel. Making it to where differing opinions are not allowed is the definition of "Derka'ing" a thread.



    I think we're all just wondering why the fuck you still watch?  It's like going to the dentist every week when you don't have to.

  11. 2 hours ago, slorch said:

    One other thing about the coming battle with Cersei...

    Unless she hired Patty Mahomes III and bought some ice spears down at the local WalMarts, how de fuck she gonna fend off two dragons?


    Then again, the alliance sucks at utilizing said dragons, so there’s that too...

    That maester guy is working on it.

  12. 20 minutes ago, naija said:

    yeah, the Unsullied had a far better performance..


    20 minutes ago, Drew said:

    1.0 on the Goo Punch scale.


    "why did all  the main characters survive!?!?  So lame and dumb."

    18 minutes ago, naija said:

    yeah, the Unsullied had a far better performance..

    they would whip the dothraki

  13. 8 hours ago, Fozzz said:

    You think people would be whining about their dates five years after an event of that magnitude? Laughable. 

    People can mourn the deaths of their spouses beyond five years.  Yes

    5 hours ago, Dutchrudder said:

    Movie was great, any Marvel fan should be happy with it. Anyone nitpicking time travel plot holes really needs to get a fucking clue. This is a comic book movie, not a Ken Burns documentary. Try to remember how things were before you were an adult, and you just enjoyed things for what they were, and not what you thought they should be. It's fun movie, with tons of great scenes, just sit back, relax and enjoy it, it's the culmination of a decade of movies into an epic resolution for an incredibly powerful villain. If you can't do that, at least remember this:

    Image result for i have a bow and arrow none of this makes sense



    As soon as this hits blue ray, i'm taking a snapshot of that image of Cap vs Thanos army and making that my computer background. That was an awesome moment. Hell if i can find that on a poster, I'll buy it. 


    Same crowd that’s questioning how gendry can run so fast in the snow on a show with dragons. 

  14. On 4/26/2019 at 8:40 AM, Huckleberry said:

    I thought it was a very good movie from a storytelling perspective. My complaints about it originate more from Infinity War and the very decision to incorporate time traveling into the storyline. Some may consider avoiding that to be awkward considering there's a time stone but then they went and gave the Avengers time traveling ability without the need for the time stone. Given that you are going to have plot holes and storyline issues when you introduce time travel they did reasonably well with that around their necks.

    I hated what they did with Hulk the last two films he appeared in and I guess the Gray Hulk sort of character was the best possible resolution to his punking out the last two films. I will miss the rage monster but that's personal preference. Rage monster Hulk is best Hulk.

    The first Avengers film is still the best, but a lot of that is probably that it was the first time seeing so many superheros on screen together and how well they pulled that off. This movie was an outstanding resolution to the Infinity Saga. I do think some of the comedy bits were overdone as they've tended to do lately, such as Thor being fat. Completely unnecessary, he could have been brooding and despondent without the ice cream and salad jokes. But overall really good.

    Yea because there wasn’t enough brooding from the other characters 

    On 4/26/2019 at 12:01 PM, PilotsError said:

    I don't know where they go from here.  They'll never to Thanos.  This felt like a series finale.  Are we going to watch Ant Man battle some local scientist?  Prequels?  Meh.   I don't think they can top this.

    Lots of dust in the theater when Tony died and the minutes after it.  Very disappointed with management for keeping the place so dirty.

    Yea.   That was a pretty sad moment 

  15. 13 hours ago, Fozzz said:

    I thought it was pretty funny that people just apparently went along with their lives after the mass die off.

    Did the President get on tv (assuming he didn’t also die) and have to explain to the American people that a purple space alien with a scrotum for a chin killed off half the life in the universe by snapping his fingers?  That’s a tough scene. 

    So you suck shit in the GOT thread and you’re even worse here.  Did you watch the movie?  People weren’t carrying on like nothing happened even after five years

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