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Posts posted by Barry_McCokiner

  1. 1 hour ago, Grippe said:

    The Dayne family claims it was a fallen star, they built their castle on the location (Starfall) and forged Dawn from the metal.  It glows white (unlike valyrian steel which is dark and shadowy) and is wielded by the Sword of the Morning (which isn't a continuous line, only when a swordsman is deemed worthy enough by the family).

    Ole Art was handing Ned his lunch outside the tower.   

  2. 14 minutes ago, Drew said:

    Fat Fingers bruh...


    There is a lot of online discussion about this possibility.  I think it's stupid to think, but you never know.

    Oh fuck off.  There's a HUGE difference in "discussing" a show/movie and just constantly bitching and complaining and trashing everything you can possibly think of about a show.  It's the age old "if the show is bothering you THAT much, why make yourself suffer and continue to watch it"?

    Also Surly is famously harsh and over critical of the stupidest shit.

    Same fools that bitched when nobody died in a Soprano's episode

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Irish Wrist Watch said:

    Jon won't change his stripes. He's an anarchist, a loner. He doesn't want to be king.


    NK going to Kings Landing makes a lot of sense. We can't have the good/bad dragons battle until much later. Cercei's army might escape. What about her fleet? When the horns sounded, Jon nodded to Dany to go hop on her dragon. She'll do a lot of damage in the first battle. Most humans will survive. Unsullied remain ball-less.

    My best guess is North defeats the whitewalkers but loses 80% of their  men.  Cercei comes marchin in and tries to finish the North.  Geez, could Tyrion be a part of this?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Irish Wrist Watch said:

    That's a pretty good take.  Definitely could happen.


    Re the setup show: You can't have Tormund or of them show up right before the battle, say hi and get their head lopped off right away. We wouldn't give a shit, because we haven't seen any of them in a year, so we have a setup show. We get to remember his character, the stuff we went thru with him etc, then you lop his fucking head off.

    Actually, I think he goes pretty soon. He puts up a valiant battle against dozens of them, one drops on him, bites him and he goes down. As he's laying there telling Jon to take his head, he makes some joke about Giant Milk. That's called foreshadowing. We get a charge, then he dies and we're sad.


    Looks like Arya is going to be the Legolas of GOT, shooting arrows one after another.


    I don't see Jaime dying at all. He's one of the more interesting characters and wouldn't be surprised to see him in a sequel series. I think half will live. The women (Cercei maybe not), Tyrion, Jaime, the Hound somehow makes it. Maybe Jorah. Again, wouldn't be surprised to see Arya and Gendry ruling the roost. Gendry's gotta step up first.

    I think some want this to be like a footbal game.  Episode 1: Walkers kickoff (Ned's head) to the Winterfell Warriors.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    I don't think there will be any struggle between Jon and Danny as far as power goes.  Jon ditched the King of the North title pretty quick and has stated multiple times to have zero ambition for that stuff.  They will set it up as one of them having to do something sacrificial to survive and Jon being Jon wants to sacrifice himself for Danny, but Danny refuses and sacrifices herself for Jon.  The writers are going to hit all the low hanging fruit.

    Eh, IDK>  He seemed to be pretty peeved, bothered, and he certainly wasn't cowering to her like before.

  6. 20 minutes ago, TXSG8R said:

    The hound has to live so he can fight the mountain at some point.  Jon or Dany has to live until the end.  Outside of that, I think Arya would be the only person I could say for certain is safe after the Winterfell fight. She and Cersei have to come together near/at the end IMO.  

    Willing to bet both Jon and Dany are alive after 3.

  7. 17 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    Can we get a goo-less GOT thread?

    Episode was a solid set up show for the big-ass battle.  I loved the fireside chat scene...Brienne getting knighted was cool and Tormund's giant story was fucking awesome.

    It will be really interesting to see how they resolve the Danny/Jon conflict.

    No shit.  Dude sucks.  He needs to watch 4 on 4 team mma if he wants action right away 

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Captain Ron said:

    I'm not talking about his as as establishing him as too young to know anything. I'm establishing a timeline of him truly being "in the know" within Westeros circles. He wasn't doing anything governmental related until years after Robert's Rebellion. At that point Rheagar and Lyanna were both long dead, so how does he find out about their relationship? 2nd hand stories or reading.

    Anyone that knew their relationship was most likely dead. The only person that potentially could know right now alive is Howland Reed. So then we get to the reading.

    Which raises a big point - who wrote the histories of Robert's Rebellion? The winners, and to the winning side, the story was always Rheagar kidnapped Lyanna. Where would Petyr have ever gotten the idea that they were in love?

    Old Petyr seemed to be good at gathering intel. 

  9. 16 hours ago, Captain Ron said:

    I'm just curious how anyone would say that Littlefinger knew. He wasn't a political player until well after Robert's Rebellion, only amassing his wealth and power after Robert was king. He was barely a teen (14-15) when the war happened and wouldn't join the small council until his 20s.

    Oberyn just knew that when Rheagar left his sister, it started a war that resulted in her death. Rape or real love, he just knew he left Elia.

    I'm not sure that anyone in real power knew what was going on with Rhaegar and Lyanna. They pretty much had vanished during much of the war until Rheagar returned to the Red Keep and then fought at the battle of the Trident.

    Sure the maester that married them did. I would venture that the Kingsguard that were guarding the Tower of Joy (Dayne, Whent and Hightower) did too. And the silent sisters with them at the tower as well.

    I think Ned and Rob were barely older than 14.  These weren't 25 year olds we're talking about.  

  10. 20 hours ago, Go Pokes said:

    Based on something from the books or TV show? Or are you saying that because of the facial expressions he made after she said that?

    We're talking about just R + L right?  I doubt he knew about J, but yea, that look on his face and the fact that he was very aware of the history of those times

  11. On 4/16/2019 at 3:23 PM, Go Pokes said:

    I'm not sure why you think either of these scenes are proof that RV and LF knew they were actually in love.  Feels like you're trying to interpret the scenes in a specific way to support your belief.  I'm going to go ahead and stick with what everybody else in the world believe about the situation.  

    Lf clearly knew.  

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