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Everything posted by Barry_McCokiner

  1. I don't want to urinate on anyone's parade, but any chance that Bru has signed with USC and they're saying he hasn't to create drama for Saturday?
  2. Unless you're Bama, playoffs should never be an expected given. However, I will be disappointed if we don't win this conference.
  3. I think even one of the ESPN boys said it wasn't as close as the final score. uga's second td was when we were in prevent as well.
  4. Think I read here holcutt would never hire Dana
  5. Major lost 70-14 to army
  6. Lost back 300 yesterday by playing every got damn hand wrong. Table was tighter than shit and I just got impatient. Poker is a b
  7. Did one of the assistants pick up the check?
  8. I don't think Mack likes assistants that get more credit than he does.
  9. Won 1k playing 1/3 today. Some close calls, well timed bluffs some suck outs but sucked out on too. You guys ever get that shiver on a bluff when someone starts stacking their chops to max bet ?
  10. Many Texas fans were clamoring for Riley instead of watson. He wasn’t a tough find. It was obvious he knew offense
  11. Charlie sucks. All of your excuses for him may be valid but end of the day you don’t lose to that kansas team if you’re the least bit competent. Charlie sucks. Get it through your head. It was time for Mack to go, yes. But he still won 8 games with case mccoyMcCoy
  12. He’s not as good as his predecessor at USF. Overrated coach who couldn’t beat ranked teams at Louisville
  13. He actually wasn’t that good at Louisville. Not awful, but a hollow record
  14. I believe we were paying watson more than ou was paying Riley.
  15. After Tulsa there were certainly a few 9.95ers saying Major should replace Tom
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