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Everything posted by Barry_McCokiner

  1. Always score when you can, as nothing is every guaranteed. But this is the third big game where clock management killed us right? Tech in 08, UCLA vs Charlie, and now this one. I feel like I'm missing one.
  2. It’s amazing how you can have six hour winning session, get home and the only thing you can think about is you were likely bluffed out of a pot in your 3
  3. Yes yes he is and he ain’t welcome in these dang parts. Jimmy Johnson’s wife was looking for houses in cedar park. Maybe he’s our next coach
  4. Any osu have suchomel a update on sanders?
  5. They don’t serve that there. They have orange chicken
  6. I expect a loss and the shit to hit the fan for herman in the internet The kind that ms blue gave to Charlie
  7. All of these Charlie recruits need movados
  8. Mullins starting over Beathard. I have Goodwin, may bench him.
  9. Thoughts on Toledo total? Opened at 66. Down to 64
  10. If you haven't already, tail Stanford Steve and Cowherd
  11. He will need to. 3 teams left on our schedule with way more talent than osu.
  12. Scipio is pretty good.
  13. Anyone gonna pick up Fitzmagic? Brees vs LAR Rivers vs Seattle Pick one.
  14. Love your analysis. Years of playing or did you study?
  15. I am so out of practice. But, I've always read, don't call, raise or fold. Is that not true anymore? I know the answer to every poker question is "it depends."
  16. Shady McCoy’s last catch in a blowout gave me the 1 point win
  17. Pretty easy to spot the charlie ride or die guys in this thread. No, not the time to fire herman
  18. Where you live?
  19. Not here. I think it varies, but I believe the remaining table guys Colorado is a good scene, but only a few poker rooms. I used to pay alot of my bills in college with poker, but haven't played in a while. Alot of calling stations with this bad beat stuff. It's great, but usually very few heads up hands.
  20. Hey guys, first time poster. I live and play up in Denver, great city. over at Ameristar, they had a 1,000 an hour high hand promotion. I won with a king high straight flush, while my opponent flopped an ace high flush. I had flopped a king high flush (holding q/9H) on the button. They also have a bad beat pot that is now up to 250k. I think the winner of the bad beat gets 150k and the loser gets close to 100k. This has changed the behavior of the players. Everyone will stay with anything connected, suited, one-gappers. Brought out a lot of fish who will fold the instant they miss on the flop. Been easy money. Look forward to the banter as I have found this thread very educational. Small world as I played and won a tournament at Sooner's house. Nice to see you here B.
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