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12 Good
  1. She is basically a way more charming human...at least in her own mind. (And mine too.) She behaves accordingly. That particular photo makes me so sad though, because now that I look at it again I can tell she’s sick. But it’s 10:15 and we haven’t gotten a call. No news, good news, etc.... Btw, I do want to give a word of warning about Gulf Coast Veterinary. While in some ways they have done an awesome job (I have heard the surgical team in particular is one of the best-if not the best-in Texas) in other ways they have totally sucked. They really oversold the worst case scenario and actually pushed us to put her down before it was really necessary. I sort of get it, but I’m not going to fucking sue you and I’ll sign something to that effect. Just take my credit card number and save my fucking dog if you can, please. Her regular vet said, “Yeah they tend to be a bit doomsday over there.” We learned that the hard way yesterday. This has been the first time in my life I have thanked God I have a dad with significant, chronic health issues where I have had to make life or death decisions on his behalf because, unlike a lot of people, I know doctors aren’t gods who have all of the answers and it’s OK to push back on them. I asked the exact right question at the exact right moment yesterday and that’s the only reason our girl is still alive. Point being, by all means go to Gulf Coast, but don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions and demand second (and third, and fourth) opinions, even on Easter Sunday.... (Btw, her regular vet-Ashley Woods at Mercy in West U-is AMAZING. I don’t blame her for any of this. In fact, if anything, we were going to find out about the likely cancer tomorrow anyway because she identified an abnormality on x-ray and the sad irony is Lulu had an appointment with the Gulf Coast cardiologists tomorrow that we waited over a month for because Dr. Woods insisted, even though other vets/radiologists thought she was wrong. Also, fun fact-one of the scariest moments of my life happened a few hours ago when they called to confirm that appointment. They told us they’d only call us if something really bad was happening, and when I was that number come up on my caller ID...oh man. Glad I was drinking....)
  2. Hey there, y’all. I’m the wife in this scenario and this is my baby. I went to USC and flew the plane to get Clay Helton fired. Fighting for my dog (which we had to do because we were being pushed to put her down without complete information) yesterday was light work. She has lived to fight another day. Fight On, baby girl. (Neg at will. Only God can judge me.)
  3. What tells you I don’t know that?
  4. It isn’t going to work in all likelihood. Not this year anyway. Now we are talking about a billboard on Lynn Swann’s drive to work to remind him that he sucks at his job. And y’all thought we were a bunch of laid back pussies. Ok back to managing my insurrection now! (From Texas. How weird.)
  5. Nope. I am actually the person behind this. We had plenty of funny shit about tarmacs in the works. But just the act of flying a fucking plane over USC is so goddamn provocative for this school that we realized we would have totally lost any credibility with anything other than a polite, straightforward message. Btw, I am a woman and my husband went to UT. Only reason I know about this thread. But yes. we are trying our best to stage a revolt to oust Helton. Swann wants to keep him apparently. I guess I win the “cool wife” award for the week flying a plane over my alma mater trying to oust the coach.
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