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  1. Really donโ€™t mind the stadium announcer with the skyline in the background during tv timeout
  2. Meh, the last season was Meh. Liked the 1at season, 2nd season not so much
  3. Fuck em, they were supporting a scumbag warlord and Iโ€™d like some SF ninjas to cut their throats. I donโ€™t give a fuck what we would do if they were here, theyโ€™re already here, in Minnesota
  4. Would be nice if those Somalia fucks in the doc ended up with slit throats
  5. This will be at least the 10th straight SB I have no interest in watching, wonder if itโ€™s just a function of me getting older and having watched games for 50 years. Once again I really DGAS and will probably watch some stupid shit like the Night Agent and fast forward thru the game after the fact on YoutubeTV
  6. Meh just like the cowboys franchise I no longer give a fuck. Living thru Cowboys dominance until the 80s and enjoying the Mavs since their inception until this latest clusterfuck I just donโ€™t give a fuck. Hence my username. Thank goodness my horns have filled the void
  7. Love the Pat McAfee broadcast with the fake Lou Holz
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