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Everything posted by Dilligas

  1. Confused as to why this dude hasn’t been in a game yet. Unless I missed it.
  2. 5 seconds. OU recovers onside opening kick by Texas and returns for TD.
  3. Yes sir those Texas Jams were best concerts I ever attended even with all the people carted off due to heat exhaustion. And VH was icing on the cake.
  4. I’ve driven over curbs to kill squirrels
  5. Ztejas mentioned Brad Sham in the cowgirl thread and it led me down a rabbit hole where I found this: https://www.theunticket.com/gordo-interviews-leonard-davis/ https://www.theunticket.com/brad-sham-performs-baby-got-back/ so much gold on this site
  6. https://www.theunticket.com/fake-brad-sham/ https://www.theunticket.com/fake-brad-sham-wade-phillips/
  7. The old quick kick might be the best call now
  8. Thank goodness I bailed after 3 episodes
  9. Worthless examples of humanity. Definitely don’t help their agenda
  10. God damn I’d love to plough through those motherfuckers and watch their limp bodies fly through the air
  11. I’m getting to the point that if in that situation I’m afraid I’d floor it. Guess that’s why I’m moving to the boonies. Fuck those road blocking idiots
  12. Did lots of acid in the 80s but only shrooms once. Picked them off cowshit near Dallas and brewed a tea. Everything was fine until my buddy started ranting and raving about the devil while I sat immobile in a recliner in his mobil home. Good times
  13. Tripped back in the early 80s to midnight movies. Dawn of the Dead and Song Remains the Same. was looking for zombies walking to the car after DOD.
  14. I'm trying to listen thru the website and getting nothing
  15. Ditto loved the Lion of Love performance and reading some backstory about the artist its based on it sounds like an accurate portrayal.
  16. Just talked to my neighbors who took a drive yesterday along River Road in NB. Said every campground was packed with no vacancy signs. Of course the spot at US 281 was nut to butt as always
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