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Everything posted by Dilligas

  1. Was ignorant of the actors in Hitman so I did a little research. Guessing most people know this but from Wikipedia: Personal life[edit] Powell started dating model Gigi Paris in 2019; their breakup became public in April 2023.[38][39] Powell is a licensed pilot. Tom Cruise, his co-star in Top Gun: Maverick, paid for him to attend flight school.[40] Powell has declared himself a devout superfan of the Texas Longhorns.[41]
  2. I remember frequently driving by the site where he hit the wall in Dallas at 635 and the DNT, was lucky to survive that. And then to die so young just blows
  3. I’ve noticed some programs have the “this is brought to you commercial free after this” and then a 30 second commercial. Other shows have them more like a network, which is an asswhippin. I barely have time to open Surly and read a thread before the program returns. But I’ve thought of saying “Fuck you Prime and your commercials.” TLDR, Fuck Amazon
  4. Would be awesome if the only people killed by these breeds were the owners. Fucking idiots
  5. If I was Rory I would take what they were offering and tell the PGA to suck it. He held the line and promoted the PGA awhile those fucks were negotiating behind his back. Probably fucked his game while being an ambassador. Get that money playa
  6. Maybe these fuckers came to America
  7. I was so hoping it was someone here, as CTJ was, trolling his ass. Wish I had thought of it dammit
  8. Would really like Nichole’s thoughts on this. There are lots of videos, mostly trial, but in opening statements the prosecutor goes through the whole thing. Seems like alcohol had a lot to do with it. Pretty bizarre https://toofab.com/2024/04/04/apple-river-stabbing-trial-video/ https://toofab.com/2024/04/04/apple-river-stabbing-trial-video/
  9. Hole in one gets him to +2, doing Jordan things on Thursday. Leader is what, 6 under
  10. Scotty lips out 2 on 18 to drop 2 strokes 😳
  11. Road House, 2 thumbs up and 3 sideways. Colin McGregor the next Jean Claude.
  12. Nice golf today at Vaaler Creek, thanks?
  13. Same here, just kept waiting for the “not really a ….”. And of course waiting for the inevitable questions to set up the ridiculous response
  14. Had , I think, RSV first 3 weeks of the year. Head cold followed by a couple days of coughing so much it felt like I did 1000 abdominal crunches. And then a couple weeks of chest congestion. Much worse than my Covid experience
  15. Simple George’s musical reviews are auto tune out, stupid fuck
  16. Sweet! I am able to watch LHN pregame on ESPN3, have been blocked all year since I have YoutubeTV
  17. I believe 2nd avenue in south Dallas was the nearest spot from the Grove when I grew up there. Remember my mom taking us to a drug store toward Fair Park in the hood for wine
  18. Coaches can Definitely be idiots. See UT vs KSU
  19. “What, we’re having fun here no?” Sorry I know better than to CR this thread, should have used a smiley face. Carry on with the great info
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