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Everything posted by JustBecause

  1. But, but, Long Horn Network!!! BTW what has the revenue from all sports been at these schools since they left versus what it would have been if they stayed? Too lazy to look up the first part and have no clue how you could calculate the second part of the question. OK, Cool, Hook 'Em!
  2. Was there in the middle of the upper deck. I never heard a crowd so loud when he broke that last tackle! The stands were vibrating!
  3. You got that right! I watched a NFL coach first hand plot and execute a plan to destroy a NFL caliber QB. It was fucking disgusting. Fisher is and was a POS. The little shit.
  4. Kinda like I thought with the ISU game—-it felt like a NFL game with all the TV time outs/commercials
  5. Going to India and Costa Rica for cheaper surgeries? Is that the statistic you are using?
  6. Nice research. I trust our offense to score much more than our defense to stop the opponent and even though there wasn’t an even number of “chances” it’s obvious we are better taking the ball first.
  7. You obviously know nothing about Broward County, FL.
  8. JustBecause


    Where are you getting your news? There are trucks and buses moving just about everyone plus food and water. This “trip” is certainly NOT organic. Not even close.
  9. It’s Broward County which is corrupt AF.
  10. His assumption that if they are black they would vote for Abrams. Race voting---makes sense.
  11. Coming from a thug like Trumka is fucking funny and ironic.
  12. Hell probably run against Doug Jones in the next election.
  13. Okay. What’s your point? The approximately 10% difference between the voting amounts?
  14. So no one on the left talks that way? I think that is amazing. How about both sides do it and they are both wrong and idiots.
  15. So no media published the story in conjunction with other Kavanaugh news? According to the post above Grassley seemed to take it seriously enough to refer it to the DOJ?
  16. New here, but that response doesn't address the story that people accusing Justice Kavanaugh openly lied. This just feeds into Pres. Trump's narrative that everyone lied to derail the nomination since they couldn't defeat him on the merits. Makes the dems look even worse in this situation---like they will stop at nothing to defeat Trump's nominee. Accuser Lied
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