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Certifiably Surly
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TexasEd last won the day on November 21 2019

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8295 Surly 1%

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  1. Got the exhaust installed. They would not weld in the subframes so I need to find someone to do it.
  2. I live near Volente and Limecreek Rd is like a car show every weekend. Sorry to crash your super car party
  3. To install subframe connectors between the front and back. All I did is open the box end and the connector slides inside of the front and then gets welded to front and back creating a full frame rail front to back. Later I can use it as an anchor point for a driveshaft loop There’s a video of it on instagram
  4. I got some work done this week including the valance, cutting openings for subframe connectors, one door interior, sun visors and side mirrors. Getting exhaust done tomorrow.
  5. I read this as he occasionally still gets pissed on. anyone else?
  6. Cool topic. The thing about furniture is that it is big and can block you if you’re not able to flip it quickly. Sounds like the art and games are already giving you a taste of that.
  7. Doing the math. Apparently the number of nominations per Senator/Congressman recently went from 5 to 10 per service academy so (100+435)x10 = 5,350 possible nominations to AFA (there are other people who can nominate but this is the core). Only about 1,200 are admitted/get an appointment per year. There are academic standards, an entrance exam and physical fitness tests that she will have to pass. She’s on varsity soccer and pretty fast. She’s been working on upper body strength a lot this year too. She’s considering ROTC if she doesn’t get in. See Edit above it was Representative McCaul who nominated her not Cornyn
  8. Daughter just got a nomination to Air Force from Senator Cornyn. I guess I wont make any more comments about his Brisket. It’s still a long shot for her to get an appointment but I’m proud of her getting the nomination. Edit: The letter I saw in the mailbox from Cornyn was a no. The nomination came from our Representative so I can still joke about the brisket.
  9. I just read this to my wife. I'm sure I've told her before but it was like the first time she's heard it so that was great.
  10. China's 1 child policy left them with a shortage of girls. Millennials are incel because there are too few women and the ones that are there don't want to have kids. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57154574 Russia has always been a transfer of ruling class. What is the ruling class that is going to replace Putin? Are they brave/united enough to pull it off? He's thrown so many out windows and created a lack of trust it will be like Germans trying to knock off Hitler.
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