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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexasEd

  1. When Fox News is conceding the debate…
  2. Nobody knows, not even him.
  3. People want better than this (pointing at him with disdain).
  4. This F….ormer President Almost called him a fucker.
  5. Neo maxi zoom dweebies too
  6. Fired by 81 million people
  7. I’m a different kind of a person. Lol
  8. Awww shit.. She attacks on Windmills Hannibal, and other crazy shit.
  9. He didn’t know what IVF was 3 weeks ago.
  10. Trump: JD is full of shit
  11. First fact checks coming in. Kind of weak but on Tariffs and Abortion so far
  13. ABC saying Trump is BiBi’s dream candidate because he faces too much scrutiny from Harris. Are the college protesters listening?
  14. This is Fuck Around Find Out, right?
  15. Obviously did not go to Challenger public school
  16. Candidates will stand behind podiums for the duration of the debate. Helps Trump with something to lean on and hide his diaper No topics or questions will be shared in advance with campaigns or candidates. Candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water. Waiting to see Trump drink that bottle with two hands Candidates’ microphones will be live only for the candidate whose turn it is to speak and muted when the time belongs to another candidate. Helps Trump stay under control There will be no audience in the room. Helps KH
  17. Whose got Bingo Cards? https://store.kamalaharris.com/harris-walz-debate-bingo-cards-digital-download/ What drinking game are we going with? Which channel are you watching it on? The Host is ABC. Which pundits do you like the best? Debate Rules - Who benefits from each one? The debate will be 90 minutes with two commercial breaks. The two seated moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, will be the only people asking questions. A coin flip was held virtually on Tuesday, Sept. 3, to determine podium placement and order of closing statements; former President Donald Trump won the coin toss and chose to select the order of statements. The former president will offer the last closing statement, and Vice President Harris selected the right podium position on screen (stage left). Candidates will be introduced by the moderators. The candidates enter upon introduction from opposite sides of the stage; the incumbent party will be introduced first. No opening statements; closing statements will be two minutes per candidate. Candidates will stand behind podiums for the duration of the debate. Props or prewritten notes are not allowed onstage. No topics or questions will be shared in advance with campaigns or candidates. Candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water. Candidates will have two-minute answers to questions, two-minute rebuttals, and one extra minute for follow-ups, clarifications, or responses. Candidates’ microphones will be live only for the candidate whose turn it is to speak and muted when the time belongs to another candidate. Candidates will not be permitted to ask questions of each other. Campaign staff may not interact with candidates during commercial breaks. Moderators will seek to enforce timing agreements and ensure a civilized discussion. There will be no audience in the room. Muledick
  18. Does it matter? If I say it enough people will believe me. Maybe saying MB said it has more credibility than CS. The fact that you quoted me amplified the message, right or wrong and that's all these influencers are doing is trying to get engagement. "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln per Lara Trump and probably Michael Scott.
  19. Mack Brown was right... social media will be the downfall of society. The engagement scores are all that matter.
  20. Sounds like Russia. When do they invade Kentucky?
  21. If she is not perfect NYT: "Kamala comes across as mean and bossy" The right of the people to roll coal shall not be infringed. Cults and Fascism
  22. Magnets, how do they work?
  23. A guy whose daughter wears a triple D would probably know. *I know that TriDelt is.
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