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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexasEd

  1. It's one of Saul Goodman's money laundering schemes. You know like donating to a go fund me or running for political office and having PAC money funneled to your expenses.
  2. Full picture: I don't think admitting that you have the cash helps you in your case to have the bond waived, not that he had much of a chance anyway. Whatever cash he does have is probably for operating expenses and paying the outstanding loans. He can't use that or he'll default, he can't lose a property to seizure because it is the collateral for another loan.
  3. If you lose the pump or fluid and the belt to the pump only drives the pump just remove the belt and drive it like a non-power steering car until you get to a place you can work on it.
  4. This is one of my concerns. Ring has a wired option for people like me that have wired sensors in every door and window. They call it the retrofit system: https://www.amazon.com/Introducing-Ring-Retrofit-Alarm-Kit/dp/B07Y926SS8/ref=asc_df_B07Y926SS8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=385448272964&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18325711883469657945&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028226&hvtargid=pla-1042404308792&psc=1&mcid=8f4b6e25495339daa89040acffe6f313&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=81228106969&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=385448272964&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18325711883469657945&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028226&hvtargid=pla-1042404308792&gclid=CjwKCAjwkuqvBhAQEiwA65XxQF7U2w58pODWOdktjPNSzUH1td-vv0A4YWpkgETDisFjPLm_1iGKgBoC1G4QAvD_BwE I need to look into weaknesses like requiring a wifi signal to other parts of the alarm. The main thing I would want the wireless sensor for is my liquor cabinet. and maybe adding sensors to the garage doors.
  5. Yeah I may want to talk to your lawyer
  6. Only Negged to give you the cycle. Wanted to do drool.
  7. Had to google ASR. Crap. I could be the next victim. We have a crack from top to bottom in one wall. I pointed out the large voids in the shotcrete when they pulled the forms and was told. oh that's normal. 18 months later the crack shows up. It took a year to get their insurance adjuster out to look at it and he says we had a bad installation. After the forms were pulled in 2021 Cracks go all the way from back wall into the plaster and cracked the coping
  8. Gloom, despair, and agony on me Deep dark depression, excessive misery If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all Gloom, despair, and agony on me
  9. Great video of one of the Assists. IMG_4381.mov
  10. As I guy who grew up going to games with my dad in the Hemisfair arena when the Ice Man was the star player this was fun to take my 10 year old son.
  11. Going tomorrow with my son against Brooklyn
  12. Get the plastic Adirondack chairs from lowes and replace them when they go bad. Ours on on their 3rd year and looking great.
  13. Do Instagram links work? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4jZTBzLvwJ/?igsh=aXJiZ2M1N3JhNWt1 some color on the car under the trunk lid and hood and inside of the doors.
  14. One side has billionaires bribing the governor and bankrolling flipping the legislature to do their will with dishonest messaging about "School Choice" which should be "Private subsidies" and the other side is a bunch of small loosely aligned school districts that get sued by the cross eyed AG when they advocate for what is best to their constituents.
  15. You have your associations off TikTok = Reels (Instagram & Facebook) Twitter/X = Threads
  16. Looking at this picture again there are problems with how your bracket is installed. It looks like it is in backwards. It should be parallel to the ground and the bolt you can see it it should be towards the oil pan not towards the wheel. Look at this image again which is at the front of the car looking back. Yours looks like it is under the driver's floor looking forward. You need to listen to Missy Elliot and flip it and reverse it.
  17. Here’s the best picture I could find from under the car. From above. This worked for several thousand miles before I pulled the engine
  18. Call Dan at Chockostang. He is a small mom and pop shop (Carol is the "mom") side. He has more experience with these systems than anyone else. He sells the parts and tells you how to install them. http://www.chockostangclassicmustang.com/ I have not had these issues with mine. I have a small block and I use the bracket you showed in your pictures. Mine looks close to the same shape as yours. The tab at the top left goes into an aligning hole and the hole in the top middle is to connect to the frame rail. I do know that when I installed the lines to my control valve I had to install and uninstall several times to get the hard lines lined up the way I wanted them. It was not easy. Here is the salvage one I used before I cleaned it up. You can see a piece of cut line going through the rubber insulator in the clamp.
  19. Lifted the landing gear while still on the runway :smh
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