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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by TexasEd

  1. 8 hours ago, BurdineBandit said:

    Don't believe that backstory, but that was a good beat-down. Every video I see of a stadium fight with a guy in a lower row taking a swing at someone above him pisses me off. My first thought is always to yank the fucker down, get his bearings off, then beat his ass. This is a fight, rules be damned, kick his ass.

    When I was a Freshman at the Texas-OU game I sat behind a Texas Cowboy and his girlfriend that were drunk off their asses.  An old Okie was in front of them probably mid 60 to early 70s hard to tell sometimes when a body is out in the sun all day they age faster.  He had that wiry farmer type body and crew cut that left his ears hanging out a ways.

    The Texas Cowboy was right behind him and started flickin the old guy's ears.  He turned and laughed at his GF when the farmer turned around.  Cowboy did it one more time and the old guy stood up and grabbed him by the shirt and dropped him head first at his feet and punched him 3 times.

    He then nodded at his wife and got up and walked out. 

    Cowboy then asked girlfriend to help him find his tooth.

    Cops came 2 minutes later and they had stopped Sooner at the exit until I said, arrest that drunk Texas student and let the old guy go.

    So it does not matter the generation, same stuff different decade.

  2. On 9/16/2018 at 11:58 AM, XYZ said:

    What blocked punt?


    On 9/16/2018 at 12:00 PM, taybo20 said:

    The one that didn’t happen last night

    Yep, the one that happened against Tulsa.



  3. 20 minutes ago, MOODY said:

    I am okay with the targeting call and the fifteen yard penalty but not with the one game suspension.  How about they make it suspension for a quarter or even a half but it sucks that you are punished in a game that the penalty wasn't even committed in.  Don't like the carry over.

    It is a half.  First half of next game since it happened second half of game.  If penalty is in first half, the suspension is the second half of same game.

  4. Just now, SpiralOut said:

    And SC has a true freshman QB and they stink. 

    I'll gladly take a win, but if we do manage to close this out I hope folks don't think that means we've turned it around. 

    at this point a w is a w 

  5. Yes, and they repeated it later in the game on I think a 3rd and 2 where they threw an incomplete streak route instead of pounding out the first down.  That might have been the series that ended with a blocked punt.

  6. 2 hours ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    The problem with personneling is that Beck isn’t a mismatch as a receiver and we weren’t exactly killling it with him as a run blocker. 

    Its very indicative of every play happening in a vacuum in our offensive staff’s mind. 

    “We have a TE in the game. Surely they have to adjust.”  

    Nobody asks if the TE demands an adjustment. It’s just assumed. 

    A TE Becomes a matchup problem if he can catch and Block.  Putting him out wide takes away the blocking part unless it's the WR Screen.  Should just use a regular receiver for that.  So stupid.


  7. 13 hours ago, Liquor and Poker said:

    My kids are in seventh grade. They were born 3 weeks after Vince Young walked into the end zone on 4th down.  

    To them it’s really weird that I drive to Austin six times, waste half a day of fair time,  and spend a shit ton of money each year on a team that goes just above or just below .500.  

    It’s all they have ever seen. 

    My daughter was born 9 months after that game.  She turns 11 very soon.  Same thing for her, she thinks of Texas as a Swimming and Volleyball school.  She's swam at the Texas Swim center and has seen all the banners and Olympic medalists. At least soccer was in the playoffs last year too.  

  8. On 8/13/2018 at 9:52 AM, Chad Fuck said:

    I had the original under dash unit.  It's was a pinnacle of mid-century design.  Looked awesome.  Felt like a 70 year-old blowing their hot breath on you on a good day.


    Me too.


  9. Picked up my guitar today after getting it setup at Strait.  They really lowered the action at the nut.  Little bit of fret buzz but I'll either get used to it or start playing better.  I'll report more after a while.



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