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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexasEd

  1. Fuuuuuuuuck Sark for putting Quin back out there
  2. Ewers did not learn about throwing the ball away against OU. if you’re throwing it away put it in the stands
  3. Interested in the ad blocking. Did you use an add on or use a custom DNS setting that filters the ad sources? Not endorsing this, was the first search result: https://www.instructables.com/Block-Ads-With-Your-Router-Using-Ad-blocking-DNS-S/
  4. Damn, you guys are slow on the uptake. Eating a burger is a "furtive" movement.
  5. May not be much risk of this but don't watch the live coverage. Brooks' cross is nothing but asking witness why they are testifying and police detective why he watched the surveillance footage of Brooks running through the neighborhood. And now he seems to be suggesting that since no-video or witnesses caught him crossing a street that he did not cross the street. Like video saw me over there and then on the other side but you can't prove I crossed the street because you did not see it. Brooks: What time did you start the investigation? - Detective: I was called to investigate as soon as you ran people over at the parade. You should get enough lulz from summary videos
  6. Speculating on what it looks like Worse tan 90's Cuba - no other state backing it up Worse than N. Korea? - too much corruption to be effective at anything Shedding satellite republics and retreating their geographic influence to a core that looks like Somalia - Yes this is likely, plus Nukes. We can hope that the warlords focus on each other instead of external. There could be a domino effect in Hungary and Belarus with Putin out of power those leaders will be at risk.
  7. Thanks for this. I use Eero and was not going to reply since it is associated with Amazon/Bezos. It has been very reliable, my beacons are wireless and I was concerned and wanted wired but it has been a non issue.
  8. I still have not heard what law he proposes applies. Mosaic law, eye for an eye? What I have heard: The state does not have standing to press charges when they were not the injured party. (The dead people need to come forward to charge him?) He unilaterally changed his name so he is not the person charged in the case. (Looks over his shoulder. Are you calling me Mr Brooks? I do not recognize that name as applying to me.) He does not submit to jurisdiction. In some ways his argument boils down to: The whole sovereign thing leads to people breaking traffic laws because they don't apply or this over tax disputes:
  9. Well, the pipes were for petroleum products not drinking water. A key distinction.
  10. I was going to go with they think he is Gozar the Destructor and will bring about the end times so they can realize the rapture. Stay Puft or fat man in a diaper, is there that much of a difference?
  11. That first lady is a hero. Standing up to the brute squad coming to "recruit" guys as they leave in the morning. I did not quote the airline one but that pilot getting drafted is probably thinking I don't want to get shot down by those new air defense systems or a stinger.
  12. I think they have it set up like a Mad Lib with fields to enter [name of city], [number killed], [number injured], [age of shooter], etc. Gamification and leaderboards. I'd bet there are people running pools like the APD thread or celebrity death pool and you get points for guessing the next state and victim count. Probably money/bets changing hands too. Maybe Ron and Greg have a friendly bet that if you get the next one I'll send BBQ, and If I win you fly some immigrants to Martha's Vineyard. Martha's Vineyard stunt was the payoff for Uvalde winning? Just asking questions.
  13. Where's Waldo? lol, they sold all their ammo to Academy and it is in the closets of people all across the U.S.
  14. Jamie Raskin just called Trump a snowflake for sending his minions to do his bidding and not having the courage to testify. He also laid out that Trump can go to the criminal trial and plead the 5th but in a civil matter if he does it you can infer that he is guilty.
  15. Responses are pure gold, Jerry. Oh and this was one
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