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Everything posted by Agent47

  1. Carlson should have armed guards, like the synogues, and churches, and country bars, and college campuses, and elementary schools etc. This was Trump's advice. Follow your leadership and shut up, and sing.
  2. The Carlsons are cowering in fear in their pantry! Now the conservatives get it. Trump has whipped all this shit up. CNN SUCKS CNN SUCKS at every rally. When it touches you, you're outraged. Where were you fuckers before when the pipe bombs were flying through the mail and when body slamming was cheered. Braying about false flags and trading high fives. You fucking hypocritical bitches.
  3. Agreed. I don't think a single sentient female in America even remotely likes him. Almost every educated female loathes him. His only female fans are insane ladies, furious Linda Tripp types and battered women from severe evangelical upbringings (like Sarah Sanders). I wonder if Longhorngirlie likes him. She's the dividing line.
  4. Every single person Trump ever appointed to anything is a joke. Every one of them. Harriet Miers is infinitely superior to every single Trumpkin ever. I think Rudy would accidentally confess to everything in the Mueller report before it's released, that's all. The Trump world is filled with incompetent boobs, despicable meatheads and embarrassing goblins. They are a clown car shit show fubar fuck house goat rodeo ass party face palm factory on stilts, with nukes.
  5. Military. (with) Guns. to the Border (line) Country (bar). (This seems like a lot of coincidence. What has Trump been fear mongering again???)
  6. Look at this thread. Violence begets more violence. More guns = more murder. Guns to the border is gonna get people killed. Trump is getting people killed. Violence is literally spreading into the White House. War = endless violence. And that's really the lesson of Whitman. That's why you DO NOT say "I'm a nationalist" in the White House. Or celebrate body slamming reporters. Or elect a fucking numbskull like Trump. Or elevate a gang rapist frat drunk to the Supreme Court. Or celebrate the NRA. Sex is the cure for all this. The flower children from the Summer of Love were right. Orgy! Not Caravan. The ORGY IS CUMING! That's what this country needs. It also needs a female in charge. But that's beyond obvious.
  7. Ah. A Mark Zimmerman paranoid gun nut. Afraid of caravans, skittles and unisex bathrooms.
  8. Ah. You're an elitist. Probably a nazi aristocrat just like Tucker Carlson. They got to him, they'll get to you.
  9. Ah. You're a sniveling fascist. When the anti-fascists egg your house & scream at you while you engulf McRibs at McDonald's, I'll say that's great news.
  10. Trumpkins need to get laid. In fact, everybody with a gun needs to get laid. That's what everything is really about. Sex. Sex is life. Everything else is either death. Or Christmas.
  11. Lol. The Russian investigation is hardly bullshit. There's already been a slew of indictments and Trump is CLEARLY panicking.
  12. Thank goodness I don't have a gun eh. Or a Fox News / Right Wing Radio show
  13. Trump's 4 daily tweets: Witch Hunt! I'm Huge. CNN Sucks! My condolences to the dead.
  14. Anyway. Fake News. False Flags. Actors. I'm certain of it. I'm blaming Soros. And CNN.
  15. Pepperdine and Cal Lutheran should immediately respond with guns on campus initiatives to keep everyone safe. More guns at off campus bars too. More guns in churches as well. More guns more guns guns. Fewer entrances and exits. This is the solution to everything.
  16. He was a bad guy with a gun right.
  17. A piling up of guns at the border is an atrocious idea. Whether it be the guns of military personnel or the guns of militia kooks. Trump is making our country more violent. Even the White House is awash in physical assaults.
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