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Everything posted by Agent47

  1. Ha. I'm getting negged like crazy for calling Repubs ugly fat idiots. I was kinda kidding but truthfully they so are. They're obese tards. Frothing slobbery fatheads. They absolutely are. Rush Limbaugh IS in fact a big fat idiot. And so is Trump. I stand by this. It is NOT fake news. I've been to Texas recently. Sat in a Whataburger. I've seen the truth.
  2. They really are icky, stupid and fat. Look at Trump. Ted Cruz. Rush Limbaugh. Roseanne. The Maga Bomber. The Proud Boys. Chris Christie. Toby Keith. They totally totally are.
  3. House goes Dem. Yay.
  4. Republicans are bad. They're icky. And stupid. And fat.
  5. I love Pelosi. Hate Trump, love Pelosi.
  6. The house can't convict but house exposure plus Mueller's report can.
  7. Yes. America is still shit until Trump is removed from office and sent to prison. The rednecks need to learn the hard way that they're deplorable.
  8. Reform it then. And investigate 2016 because the Repubs stole that election. As they did 2000. Also investigate 911. Cuz that shit seemed suspicious.
  9. Nope. It's gone. Because it's ludicrously anti-democratic. As ludicrously anti-democratic as you are. So, you're gone too. Pelosi's gonna put you in prison, as a traitor. I can't wait to see you flip on Trump. All you cowardly right wingers will beg for forgiveness. You'll beg Hillary.
  10. He called himself a nationalist the other day. He's absolutely a white supremacist. So what that Europe is/was as racist as America is/was. America is supposed to be different. It's NOT exceptional at anything other than lying to itself. The rest of the world is now way head of us. Women have been in charge everywhere and done fabulous jobs. England under Queens are their golden ages. We still have an idiot king, one who mocks Pocahontas and grabs pussy whenever he feels like it. He's a fucking disgrace and the United States is culturally and intellectually laughable. Half of this country is a Confederacy of dunces, with pillow cases over their heads. I'd rather be Canadian. I would.
  11. The electoral college is headed for reform. Once Trump is gone. To prison.
  12. They're heading to Canada. We all are. Eventually.
  13. America mostly sucks. I'd rather be a European.
  14. Trump is going to fucking prison.
  15. America is absolutely a racist nation. It was built by genocide and slavery and it just recently elected a white supremacist. These are fucking facts.
  16. Also YOU fuck off. I'm not on Instagram. I'm on this place.
  17. I don't have many possessions. You know nothing about me.
  18. Yes. Using slavery. Just like America did originally.
  19. The United States was built on slavery. And maintained. We have modern day slaves make all our products.
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