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Everything posted by Agent47

  1. Yes. Dems should learn from this. Women are the majority. Maybe this is Hillary's revenge. Women with subpoena power.
  2. Wow. So many victorious female candidates.
  3. It's a soccer mom election. The Kavanaugh atrocity helped spearhead all this. Stormy Daniels must be smiling.
  4. Women are the wave. It's a baby blue and pink wave.
  5. Lol. Kavanaugh is a joke. A date raping fraternity binge drinker naked BRETT should never be a Supreme Court judge. They lost the Senate because the GOP cheats. But without the resources, they had to minimize it to the already empowered & like minded. They're on the defensive. To save their bacon.
  6. Yes. Lawyer up. (They already have obviously, they know what's coming)
  7. That will work out well when it goes to the Senate. Doesn't matter. It'll proceed, transparently and publicly. And the whole world will watch. And Mueller will be the executioner.
  8. Exactly! I bet, outside of graft, he's broke.
  9. I'm calling the House to Dems. Now, impeach, investigate and indict his ass. iii
  10. Gotta use the house to impeach the F out of Trump.
  11. Beto should run for something bigger now.
  12. They stole the majors in FL & Texas. This is Bush country. Thieves. See 2000. Only chance of the big 3 now is GA.
  13. No they didn't. I watch CNN and they were always practical about projections. Winning the House btw IS a blue wave. Winning the Senate too would have been a catrgory 6 blue wave. This is a Climate Change is real blue wave. If Beto wins, the headlines will be all Dem.
  14. Yes. They had me this close to moving to Canada. Now, .... USA!
  15. Cnn just said this is what we thought would happen. The enemy of the people get it right.
  16. I want the fn house. And Beto.
  17. The stakes are enormous. And yet, the Vampires still win.
  18. These anti science dipshits are gonna let global warming ravage the world. All because 2 EMAILS!! & OMG BLOWJOB!!.
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