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Everything posted by Cajun

  1. Those look perfect
  2. Boy, if that's the "for" then the field is really not good out there.
  3. Yup.
  4. This is bad, but in the long run this is good. Just my opinion man, but I'm right. This is the punctuation mark on the end of a really shitty "sentence" of a season.
  5. Yeah, just bad luck, right? DP is just a victim of tough breaks. He carries no blame whatsoever. You going with that? Now let’s discuss catchers…
  6. On it? Where, the roof?
  7. Got two Prime slabs from HEB that I'm smoking up for a family hootenanny at Lake LBJ this weekend. Been awhile. Hope I don't fuck them up. Positive waves much appreciated...
  8. ^^^That
  9. Win it and I'll forgive a lot, but not all. This program should never have a pitching staff like this. Ever.
  10. Username kinda checks out.
  11. I was on Canyon Lake last evening in my boat. We got out just before all hell broke loose. Wind, rain, lightning, etc. It stormed for about an hour and a half here. 2.5" in my rain gauge in the back yard this morning. That said, the Canyon Lake force field is definitely a thing. 9 out of 10 big blobs heading right for us either evaporate from radar or split in half and go around right before they get here. Like clockwork.
  12. Cajun

    2024 NCAA Baseball

    That's OmaHogs to you city boi!
  13. Cajun

    2024 NCAA Baseball

    DP's next gig?
  14. This. Right. Here... IMG_4967.mov
  15. I've seen enough. Time to move on from DP. He's made us into Tulane.
  16. If I were Scheffler with his bank I'd make it my life's mission to destroy that POS. Nice and slow like. Long game. Private detectives, full dossier on anything and everything regarding him, his family, his friends, anyone who he's aquainted with in a friendly way. Little drips and drabs here and there over the course of decades. Let him think "I'm finally past all that", but make sure every time he harbors that thought he's proven wrong. It'd be worth every single cent spent.
  17. Agreed. Same with women who do the fake rape shit. Make them hurt and hurt real bad.
  18. Imagine that, a cop lying on his report. I am SHOCKED, shocked I tell you!!! So glad that video emerged. And look at all the "heroes" there just going along with the lie. Like clockwork.
  19. LMAO at this shit.
  20. Hey, look at it this way fellas, compared to the UTRGV game we're kicking major ass here! It is hyperbolic, but the spirit of it is dead on.
  21. We are going 2 and Q in a tourney full of very average teams. And I'm being kind.
  22. He is of zero value. Zip
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