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Everything posted by Cajun

  1. Weird team. Sometimes good weird, but no so this time around so far.
  2. Trying to listen to the Horns/Tech tournament game tonight and fucknut keeps hitting my mouse pad...
  3. https://www.facebook.com/reel/3726820294229453 Not sure how embed. Worth the click for the lulz and self reflection.
  4. Little gel coat touch up and she'll be good to go.
  5. Great catch. I did not see that.
  6. Your catalytic converter get stolen there or something?
  7. Cajun

    Pink Floyd

    @Chad Fuck Yeah, I get it. I'm just crying in my Saucer Full of Soup.
  8. Oh my. This is next level stuff. Take a bow sir.
  9. Look at O'Dowd's swing closely. He's a long, smooth, but very slow-twitch type hitter. He sweeps through the hitting zone with the bat. Kody was a fast-twitch, trip hammer type hitter. Exploded on the ball. O'Dowd is not going full Kody.
  10. Very well. 510 hours on it and not a single problem. It just goes. I honestly wasn't a fan until I owned one. Now I'm an Ilmore engine convert for sure. By 500 hours my Nautique had several trips to the mechanic.
  11. Yup. Stick a fork in him.
  12. Nice sunset out on Canyon tonight --
  13. Hair product and the overuse of the word term "oppo" just brings it out in me.
  14. Ass first on a giant pink dildo filled with nitro glycerin and roof nails. I hope.
  15. I'm going to continue to say it, this is the weirdest Texas baseball team I've ever seen. And I'll add this - they are not boring.
  16. Yeah, that was an impressive call given what this team was showing when he made it. Big ole hat tip.
  17. On the way home from the boat storage. Deer stork arrived with a vengeance this week -- IMG_4869.mov
  18. Cajun

    Pink Floyd

    Yep. Let's totally ignore 90% of the U.S. fanbase and just cater to the coasts. Very disappointing.
  19. Cajun

    Pink Floyd

    I did my 2016 MSG pilgrimage and just can't swing it this time. FML
  20. Back at the office--
  21. You're really gonna love it after you order your tacos and they ask, "You want us to put you salsa?"
  22. ^^That, and on top on of all you said about the ease and inexpensiveness of a pork butt, it's great for the first cook seasoning of the smoker due to it being 65% pork fat. It's like bathing the inside of the smoker with Crisco.
  23. Man, how'd I miss this post? What honeys. They'll be back in different dog Earth suits and they'll find you.
  24. I was so busy with the slicing I forgot money shots, but my cousin who I was entertaining did send these my way tonight. I all I've got on that, unfortunately. Packer HEB brisket at $3.49/lb and it was a+ in flavor with roughly a- moistness (wasn't the greatest marbling being a packer and all) --
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