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Everything posted by Cajun

  1. Pork belly burnt ends--/
  2. This was the Island Teriyaki brand btw -
  3. I found an Island Teriyaki bottle half full in my pantry, but it wasn't enough, so I poured about 1/4 cup of juice from a jalapeño jar into it and then rummaged up one of those spice shakers of powdered ranch dressing you get from Costco. Shook up the bottle and bathed those wings in that stuff then coated them with the ranch. At first I put the wings on the top shelf of the grill at medium heat to render out some of the fat (maybe 12 -15 min) and then I moved all of them to the bottom shelf and turned up the heat full blast to get them charred up. After that I put all of them back into the pyrex that I marinated them in and then put that back on the grill in the pyrex at low heat to render down all of that marinade and kill whatever salmonella was creeping around in there. Once that started to caramelized I pulled the whole thing off, let it cool down, mixed the wings around in that gooey sauce, and then ate the ever livin' shit out of them. Best I've ever had bar none and it was all mainly just an accident. I had no plan.
  4. @IncredulityI'll give you the full play by play tomorrow. Having granddaughter time right now.
  5. Teriyaki/Jalapeno/Ranch wangs. Just got a wild hair and threw what I could find in the pantry at 'em. There are good wings & then there's next level. These are the 2nd one--
  6. H-Berg's BBQ, where something good is always cooking. Don't forget to try our Blue Margarita! YO, SCIENCE!!!
  7. Saw this just down the road from my house here at Canyon Lake. If it's for sale I'm going to buy it and get yellow hazmat suits for me and my buddy to smoke briskets in on the other side of the RV out where everyone is driving by --
  8. No argument brah
  9. ^^That's a really bad position to be weak in.
  10. I want a big yellow toy so bad.
  11. Having some land cleared to section off cattle down in Frio Co. I sent up the drone to see how it was looking as the Cat guy did his thing and got this video. There's something satisfying about watching full grown trees being snapped like toothpicks...
  12. It's Texas Tech. The conference they're in couldn't matter less. Say it with me - Texas Tech.
  13. I think what you're seeing there is that there are two yardage readings. The one in the middle of the screen is static from when I hit the "range" button and then if you look early on when the bobcat was stalking up in the right hand corner you'll see the fluid, real-time range on whatever is inside the box in the reticle. If I'd hit the "range" button again a few times you'd see different yardage values in the middle of the screen. It's a way to mark a spot, so to speak. If I've got that correct, the kitty was 180ish yards out in the beginning and and the brush line behind it was 268ish. I'm still learning here, but that's what I think.
  14. I don’t understand why Texas Tech is so upset. They were already 96% irrelevant in the college football landscape even with Texas around and now they’re 100% irrelevant. What’s another 4%?
  15. This. It's a terrible venue for college football.
  16. Spotted the other day --
  17. Mayflower.
  18. Good eating there. Didn’t know y’all had Nilgai on your place. I wonder how long till you spot some Agapitos out there on your thermal?
  19. Soon.
  20. Pay in full or find another thing. That's my policy. I used to not have a policy and now I've got that one /Ron White
  21. Was in SA this morning & did Taco House. Puffies for breakfast? Fuck it, YOLO!!!
  22. Sorry, no tripod, but I used the truck window to get a scan of our lake bed from the damn and caught quite a bit of activity for a short stint last night. Image quality is degraded down to 720P (Thanks Vimeo), but you get the idea of this optic's capabilities here. Keep in mind the humidity was about 80% while I was shooting this---
  23. The rumors of Canyon Lake disappearing have been somewhat exaggerated. Sunrise this morning. Apple TV screensaver stuff ----
  24. Back yard about 10 minutes ago... IMG_4047.mov
  25. Cajun


    Took delivery a couple of days ago. Already seen places on our ranch I’ve never been to before…
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