I found an Island Teriyaki bottle half full in my pantry, but it wasn't enough, so I poured about 1/4 cup of juice from a jalapeño jar into it and then rummaged up one of those spice shakers of powdered ranch dressing you get from Costco. Shook up the bottle and bathed those wings in that stuff then coated them with the ranch. At first I put the wings on the top shelf of the grill at medium heat to render out some of the fat (maybe 12 -15 min) and then I moved all of them to the bottom shelf and turned up the heat full blast to get them charred up. After that I put all of them back into the pyrex that I marinated them in and then put that back on the grill in the pyrex at low heat to render down all of that marinade and kill whatever salmonella was creeping around in there. Once that started to caramelized I pulled the whole thing off, let it cool down, mixed the wings around in that gooey sauce, and then ate the ever livin' shit out of them.
Best I've ever had bar none and it was all mainly just an accident. I had no plan.