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Everything posted by Cajun

  1. What, no good? Some pliers and a little novocaine and you're good to go I think!
  2. Turned on the Finebaum show and the first subject he covered (of course) was the CFP selections. He said, and I quote - "So, it's Michigan, Washington, and two SEC teams, Alabama & Texas". Boy, how times and attitudes have changed on that show. LMAO
  3. Bwhahahahahahahahahaha!
  4. Aggy transfer portal right now...
  5. Shocking
  6. Ok, two touchdowns.
  8. Kentucky scored 38 points in their win over Louisville just a few days ago. Aggy reject head coached Kentucky. Florida State? 16 points. Let. That. Sink. In.
  9. If Georgia brings at least half their team they'll win by 3 touchdowns.
  10. Bama will wipe their asses with Michigan’s souls. Gonna be fun to watch.
  11. This is brutal. Jfc
  12. That makes a party of one. Sarcasm meter calibration sumpthin sumpthin…
  13. I’ve never seen anything like that trophy presentation. Ho-Lee-shit! If I were Yormark I’d never show my face again. Calling him a loser is an insult to losers.
  14. That’s van-I-t-y.
  15. Sunset at the ranch last night. I think we got this…
  16. Good Lord! Keep those bitches away from my corn fields!!!
  17. It's a fuckin' Christmas MIRACLE, ain't it?
  18. Yeah, now factor out all the late game "even out" calls made when the outcome has already been determined. Take the bait much?
  19. I've heard a lot of good things about the DJI Enterprise platform. That's another purchase I've had to talk myself out of on numerous occasions.
  20. @jofusQuetion about your thermal drone - How high do you have to fly that so as not to spook critters with its prop noise? Living up here at Canyon Lake there's a lot of deer and other wildlife around and they all spook off like lightning bolts when I fire up my Mavic Air2S even when they are a good distance away. They really seem to not dig on the drone vibes.
  21. And that Pulsar, while providing a very nice image, is waaaaaaay too f'n big and clunky for my taste. That thing is probably over 3X the size of my Nox.
  22. Given that I paid $7k plus for the 640 X 480 Not 35, $8800 is not much of a cost leap. I had no idea that the IRay was discounted that much for a one day sale. Glad I didn't buy the thing for $18K a month or so prior. I'd be cutting my wrists about right now.
  23. I'm pretty sure that in his mind self promotion IS recruiting.
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