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Everything posted by Cajun

  1. Was thinking the same
  2. New band name - Quiet Cockroaches
  3. Same look I have seeing their unis tonight.
  4. Cajun

    WVU @ OU 6pm Fox

    I’m embarrassed for them. Definition of Bush League.
  5. Cajun

    WVU @ OU 6pm Fox

    What a loser gimmick thing to do. I’m fucking dying here!
  6. Cajun

    WVU @ OU 6pm Fox

  7. Cajun

    WVU @ OU 6pm Fox

    LMAO at the Sooners and those idiotic unis.
  8. That coach interview was beyond embarrassing. What a low class loser. For pretend crying and dropping F-Bombs? Good grief.
  9. Very polite
  10. You keep staring at their units and people are gonna talk.
  11. El Gungagalunga would be a great Tex Mex restaurant name for a joint down on Broadway by Brackenridge golf course.
  12. Quite awhile back @jimmyjazz I didn’t know you were married to Brat’s daughter.
  13. Ah, what do you know?
  14. Well, yeah. And what’s your point?
  15. Does Hooters serve LSD spiked beer?
  16. You are not. That's a wildebeest.
  17. Absolutely concur.
  18. Touché.
  19. Then that should be required to be printed very prominently on each and every ticket same as the warning on cigarette boxes.
  20. I don’t think Mr Mar is deserving of your benefit of the doubt given his very well established history.
  21. Clearly your Burnt Orange glasses…
  22. My guy left to work for the Cartels. Better healthcare or sumshit.
  23. Just a few minutes ago… IMG_3660.mov
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