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Everything posted by Cajun

  1. Excellent “problem”.
  2. And the ref crew saw it and swallowed their whistles intentionally. Full stop.
  3. There is zero non comical argument to be made that Stoops wasn’t blatantly interfered with on that play. Anyone debating that it was a clean play is simply not anyone to take seriously.
  4. Sounds like somebody’s gonna get boogered.
  5. We talking pre 1950 or after?
  6. Well, yeah. Duh
  7. I'll get some more pics in the days to come. They've really come out of the woodwork this week.
  8. @fattyflattieConcur. Most of the bucks I usually see out and about around here are young and/or "inferior" antler-wise. Now that the rut has begun in earnest I'm all of the sudden seeing the older gentlemen making their presence known. It probably doesn't hurt that I've seen a handful of neighbors throwing out protein in their yards instead of corn.
  9. Just couldn’t help yourself. lulz
  10. Don’t you even horseshoes & hand grenades bro?
  11. 4th & 6 in the deer world.
  12. Canyon Lake today. Pussy is still undefeated… IMG_3656.mov
  13. Weak counterpoint. They do not care. Say it with me.
  14. C'mon man. 5? Maybe 4, but not 5!
  15. OU got big time jobbed. Do I feel sorry for them? Shit no. But they were absolutely given the Rig 12 treatment today.
  16. This has to be a joke. Has to be. If not, everything else you said might as well be Charlie Brown Grownups "talk". Good fucking Lord!
  17. He's not.
  18. Man, what a soothing sound.
  19. Ah, look, a clown!
  20. The Old Lady comes through again today...
  21. Boy, that dude really has a hard time choking down his well deserved humble pie. The act sure isn’t aging well.
  22. Dude’s got some junk in da trunk, that’s for sure. I’m dying to know where that tail went.
  23. Nothing great about this pic other than I’ve been trying to get this fat little tail-less Fox to sit still long enough in my front yard to get a non blurry shot. Finally happened tonight. I know I’ve never seen one without a tail and I doubt I’ve ever seen one that is, apparently, addicted to chili cheeseburgers like this one…
  24. ^That is “case closed” shit. It’s not even close to debatable.
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