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Everything posted by Cajun

  1. Canyon Lake last week. Just a quick iPhone snapshot while driving the boat back to the marina…
  2. From left to right - Tanner Witt/David Pierce...
  3. I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter sir.
  4. You go with Witt and have him on a very short leash.
  5. Agriculture? Trees? C'mon man.
  6. Let's hope they go 20 innings
  7. Let's all remember none of this is even possible without Daly's HOT bat.
  8. There's always plumber school.
  9. He needs to marry a stripper named "Chrysler". What could go wrong?
  10. That was a performance right up there w/some of the greats who have their numbers on the wall. Dayum. Giant moose nads.
  11. Even so, calling 1 for 2 a “hot bat” is just a teeny tiiiiiiny stretch.
  12. Lulz. Sample sizes are hard!
  13. Low clouds at sunrise this morning made for good drone footage…
  14. Some nice sunsets down here at Canyon Lake last week...
  15. Staying off the water for amateur hour, but that doesn't mean I'm not doing drone surveillance. No thanks is putting it too kindly...
  16. Takin’ her easy for all y’all sinners…
  17. Quite a bit of, “hey mister” going on out on the lake yesterday. These aggy dimes were fun…
  18. Calling Charlie “atrocious” is a pretty disrespectful thing to say to atrocious coaches.
  19. Cajun

    Pink Floyd

    ^^What a find! Thank you
  20. I've got this piece of rock candy, but it's not for eatin'. It's just for lookin' through. There is iron in your words, as there is iron in your guns.
  21. His improvement has been beyond impressive. All phases of the game too.
  22. Husband. They seemed happily married until that subject came up.
  23. Ok, file this under the “Can’t make this shit up” category. My neighbors directly next door live in Katy and only come down to their place here at Canyon Lake maybe once every couple of months. Well, they were here last night and invited me over for beverages and conversation. As we’re talking the husband asks if I was good at launching wakesurf boats (he had seen mine in the driveway). Turns out he’s got an AXIS in their garage at the end of their driveway. Says he’s only put 20 hrs since they bought it in New Braunfels in 2020. I asked why they didn’t take it out more and they just kind of exchanged a tension filled glance with each other with that look like, “I wanna say something , but I’m not sure I should” coming from the wife. That’s when the husband says, “Well, we had a bad experience down at Ramp 6 the first day we took the boat out”. That was the pin that pricked her balloon and she re-lives the entire story I posted in that quoted one above for about the next 15 minutes. What are the fucking odds? I pray to Allah that they never find that post.
  24. @USCATXYeah, I think you’re pretty close to what it is, just part of purchasing a boat like that. What’s funny is most of them are perpetually in their slips at the marina. They just sit there. I guess that makes sense to them, but zero sense to me. Not this wakeboat guy.
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