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Everything posted by Cajun

  1. Spin me right round Baby right round…
  2. The fixation on what he wears is absolutely understandable given WHAT he’s wearing in that photo. What is weird is defending and deflecting from that reality.
  3. I’ve heard that the BMDs are looking at the Mayor of Amity Island for our next big splash. ”Texas is a football school. We need football dollars”…
  4. @Pam CummingsYep, there’s just no way to spin it otherwise.
  5. Sark’s Loreal attired crack recruiting crew out doing key home visits. “That’s all I’m saying, wear what you dig”…
  6. Undefeated Sark dressed like that would still look dumber than shit, we just wouldn't say anything about it.
  7. Ok, I like you now Longhornlove. That's why I kill you last.
  8. I was wondering how long it'd take for the Rescue Rangers to arrive. Response time is slipping a bit.
  9. If only Sark, the players, and his fashionista wife believed that you might have a point. But they don't, so...
  10. He does indeed look very bloated. Thought I was imagining things, but now that others see it too…
  11. We’d go to the original Taco Cabana (back when it was awesome) for margaritas in high school. Not only did they not speak a lick of English, but they thought all us gueros looked alike irrespective of time on the planet.
  12. It’s a beta cuck who’s wife dresses him to get likes on social media. It’s really no more complex than that.
  13. You’re an angry little elf, aren’t you? Lulz
  14. That you Loreal?
  15. Mako shark molestation is nothing to joke about bro.
  16. It was so obvious I missed it. Yeah. Fuck 'em all.
  17. Almost as dumb as the administration.
  18. Avatar checks out.
  19. Yeah, but Herman had 25% off at Kendra Scott.
  20. That is the definition of cringe.
  21. It's absolutely nauseating.
  22. Was that before or after she dressed him?
  23. Sheeeeeit, the chick who lost last year's DR PEPPER halftime throw contest would have hit Bijan on that play.
  24. Among 57 other things.
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