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  1. staboner


    certainly Bert appears mindfucked now, but IMO a good chunk of this is on Sark. He not only refused to show his kicker that 3 points is important many, many times, he even took some of his good kicks off the board in favor of a failed 4th down tries just after. Part of the collateral damage in terms of Sark's mismanagement. and also what Saban said up there too ^
  2. all of this ^^ whatever happens this year is who we are. Past that, it is imperative he talks/shows structural changes to how the offense is designed, deployed and called, and how the game itself is managed. He is murder to MO faaaaaaaaaar too many times
  3. all of this. lackluster game management, great culture builder certainly overhyped as an offensive coach
  4. sark's mismanagement of 4th downs and FGs was was gonna come back to burn us
  5. do we have any receiver other than golden? sweet jesus. i thought we had like a million of them.
  6. i hope this isn't the time that auburn's confidence goes shit due to sark's mismanagement. it was gonna come down to a bert kick
  7. thanks to whoever called the out route. no clue why it takes 4 quarters to see throws that get your QB going. whatever. sarktarded
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