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  1. i have to go with the joker. his efficiency is unreal. he creates and scores at the highest efficiency i have ever seen, in the highest/greatest offensive period of the league. Other players are better scorers, sure, curry with space/3s, MJ with 1 on 1 scoring, same with kobe. But if you value playmaking it pushes Joker over the top. He is a walking instant NBA offense all by himself. Put 4 average offensive NBA Jags on any of these players and tell me who gets their team the most points? Its joker.
  2. A firm rule must be imposed upon our nation before it destroys itself. The United States needs some theology and geometry, some taste and decency. I suspect that we are teetering on the edge of the abyss.
  3. musk is going to purposely wreck the US dollar and then via crypto will turn into the currency himself by playing favours, propping up and taking down values overnight, shocking the system as he wishes. that is his end goal IMO. the space X shit is a small dick stuff. he will be in complete control of the most wealth ever. and he will get there, piss off lots of people and get taken out eventually. mark it dude. the concept of wealth is going to be completely destroyed and rebuilt with meme coins.
  4. so musk now controls the pocket book eh? he is the king. only way out is you know what. but i've been saying that for a decade +
  5. if somehow we only had a hint or something that the POTUS wouldn't lead in a moment of crisis.
  6. lulz my fav one from over here was "why vote for her? i mean you know trumps gonna do some wild random shit, but what about her? what's she gonna do?" govern maybe? its just unreal how incredibly stupid we have become
  7. that last 3rd was the people who flipped to trump cuz eggs/illegals/inflation/things and/or didn't vote cuz thinking hard. America is not a serious country. The educated 3rd and the angry 3rd have to duke it out, but you need to somehow influence to dumb 3rd to care at all about anything. Not sure how you do that when they are raised on one way streams of balanced new information, endlessly marketed to, and have never once, ever been challenged to think laterally on anything in their life whatsoever. I used to laugh at people who said shit like "America's war on critical thinking" but I get it now. We have literally been murdering our every day citizenry for decades, making them soft balls of goo who don't want any intrusion on their life from any goddamn thing at all. I have no clue how you engage these people. However, I do the know the current plan, the one of the past like 20 years - whereby rational discussion and policies and shit isn't working. Its just not a serious country any longer.
  8. i just can't imagine being a lifelong serviceman in the Pentagon and now having this drunk unqualified asshole as the boss. Talk about the rug being pulled out from under you. Poor fucking bastards.
  9. take it easy mr brisket. you raised a good man, one who cares about quite a bit about others, for that I will always tip my hat. hoping you get to wherever it is you believe you are supposed to go.
  10. someone helped him write his manifesto. huh. ok then.
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