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Everything posted by staboner

  1. maybe we can combine iowa and lvilles 0s in into a bigger 0
  2. there is a goddamn epidemic of qbs who can't fucking air a deep ball out to save their lives.
  3. hey lville stop greg davising yourssleves and play to win fuckfaces
  4. QB looked like he has a earfquake in stillwater moment there
  5. yank the starters kid. lord. no reason at all for them to be playing in this game any more
  6. goddamn lets now let them in the game with bitchassedness
  7. alright my second morning rita is like tits on @Laxtonto help me out dawg
  8. much better pocket presence for QE this game (versus life and the OSU game last year)
  9. this 5AM margarita is going down rather nicely
  10. and he fucking does. finally. its open alomost every time for us
  11. having david ash flashbacks. toss the fucking ball either earlier or 10 yards farther man
  12. 4AM here bitches I AM IN THIS MOTHERFUCKER LFG
  13. rest the starters. the gods have been telling all game already Sark. rest em. this game is ova
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