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Everything posted by staboner

  1. funny how all these alt right dudes don't move to the Katy or Abilene or Lubbock, but Austin, that city with all the fags and kids with woke haircuts fucking grifters. if only American had any emotional intelligence left to not get conned
  2. well, when one of your core beliefs is "F U don't tell me what to do!" and you purposefully look for people and places to scream that at, well thats just America. Its exhausting to be in place stuck in 2nd gear. yeah healthcare, insurance, yeah about that. You can call, email and winge till you are blue in the face man, and meanwhile you will get Mahommes on TV every other football commercial selling you the novel idea of combining you home and auto insurance. He makes billions and you get nothing. Seriously though - have you considered combining your home and auto insurance under one plan? IMAGINE THE SAVINGS!
  3. this is so on point for the Sim. Next up is the grandstanding on how violence is how the left will intimidate you, steal your vote, and will kill you if Biden wins. I am just curious about good the acting comes off. I'm out. my brain can't take this soap opera of stupidity. Ya'll homies fight the good fight, whatever that looks like.
  4. eh prob just some actors or something
  5. just jumping in here for a second. apologies if missing something posted earlier The election is determined by like 10k people in like 4 or 5 states right!? Its been that way for years now. Do the D's have a mechanism for simple update from these narrow and defined people/places after the debate to help make a decision on Biden? Everything else is just hot air in a country where 95% have made up their mind. 4 months is plenty of time. Other countries who aren't politically regarded like America do campaigns in months, not years. And lastly, its painful how incompetent the D party is. There some good, younger reps saying some good, aggressive things. the party needs to ditch the olds in a bad fucking way. They are holding onto the old culture that was valuable when both parties operated with some decorum and respect for the institutions. I understand the fear of ditching Biden, losing, etc but I also know of many, many very young new voters who may gravitate to a guy/gal closer to the age group, talking about things they care about (income inequality, environment, gender/gay rights, race relations, etc). I know Biden admin says stuff on these things but I don't think (in my narrow world) its getting through. Saying all obvious things that I am sure have been said over and over. fuck it. hello from down here. Was nice to be up there a bit in June between two storms in Gtown. Gliding into my no nuke friday all up in winter time down here 🥶
  6. Get fucked Putin, you small short shitty excuse for a human being. Your day is coming soon fuckhead
  7. if anyone has any further details on those houses in west Gtown please post here. thank you in advance 🤘
  8. social media man, couldn't see that one coming. when the like button came out in 2012 it just accelerated every ill in society, not to mention the biggest ill of them all in modern American society - that whole critical thinking thing. i take you back to 2006 to 2010 - in the obama transition years. I was super "negative" on shag (or wherever the F we were at the time). It all just felt so fucking fake and stupid. We bail out rich folks, we preach free markets, we spend billions to sway 10k voters in like 5 states. the whole fucking thing has been super regarded to decades now. 2012 just put it into 5th gear There is a massive hole in America right in the fucking brain. My only hope is people don't genuinely wish death on their neighbors like in the infinite previous examples that history has shown us and we never learn from. whatever, brutal times ahead friends.
  9. exactly. just watch him when the coke kicks in and run with that. if anyone is filling his marbles with data marbles they are the problem (and not Joe's few remaining brain cells)
  10. what happened to cocaine joe?
  11. sounds like someone put the Sim on spin cycle come on man you can do better than that
  12. also from that Daily Show episode a very, very good interview here.
  13. jfc that canva whatever that was. I need to shower I am the avenging sword of taste and decency
  14. holy shit. i am physically ill. i hope that is fake somehow. i gotta dip for a while fellas. hang in there
  15. RIP. loved him on the mic in the nba playoffs back in the day.
  16. did they miss a backcourt on that wolves inbound play? kat caught on the plus side then ant came from the backcourt without establishing himself first before touching the ball?
  17. lulz at her reasoning in the first 30 seconds shes talking. debt, border, friends and enemies. all things trump is so good at. fucking brains are broken or all the voters are simply happy to speak in code (debt reduction!?) and just whistle along with the game they are all invested in.
  18. yeah the FT disparity is a bit sus not sure if the pacers can survive this choke job yikes
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