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Everything posted by staboner

  1. ah America. A bunch of people living two separate lives with no moral center or connecting vision of any sort. maybe aliens invade before Nov and you have a fighting chance. fingers crossed.
  2. keeping with that thats unsettling PSH is amazing, as always duh and my personal favorite of all time. i post for all mediocrities. I am your champion. I am your patron saint.
  3. damn i just saw the acorn vid. i was wondering why there were so many goddamn acorn cop memes popping up all over the place. i would say wtf but yeah nah. thats america. the kind of anxiety tells me these cops believe they are at war with the citizenry. I can assume they spend their waking hours worried about everyone around them, imagining hero scenarios, day dreaming about shootouts with citizens and just generally thinking everyone who isn't a cop is the enemy. There's no way around it I think, that behavior on camera says so much.
  4. this ^ is the greatest goddamn thing to ever happen in the history of things.
  5. where in Ecuador? I was seriously considering moving there in 2018. did the usual inspection in Cuenca but also went along the coast - mid to north. From what I understand that entire coastal area is now turbo fucked as the drugs make their way from Colombia through north central Ecuador to Guayakillyourass and other parts of the coast. Well, Guayaquil was always pretty fucked but sucks so much of an otherwise safe places is so much worse now. Makes me dam sad.
  6. man. that video on the coke plant ~4 posts up. The trees. Fucking hell, sorry Mother. Bill Hicks was right - we are a virus with shoes.
  7. damn. dropsies
  8. hey did you guys know you can bundle your home and auto insurance?
  9. lol playaction!!! that will fool em
  10. is that you Sark? is this me?
  11. ouch. that one gonna be hard to recover from
  12. these are some weak holding calls IMO
  13. thats a forward pass btw
  14. packers redzone O making Sark jelly
  15. holy shit hell man
  16. his efficiency is just other worldly. To do all he does and toss in 80+% FG shooting is nuts.
  17. yeah thats just old football brain at work there. 5 yards ain't what it used to be
  18. what up with cooper kupp not getting any throws? getting doubled i guess? puka mattata is amazing man damn
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