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Everything posted by staboner

  1. this is some crazy shit. yikes.
  2. TF is going on here https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/unidentified-objects-us-airspace-white-house-02-13-2023/index.html May have been carrying something? Goddammit. Its only Tuesday over here. I am too old for this shit.
  3. great corching from reid. he is working in is prime man. that fumble is brutal. thas maybe a 14 point play. hurts gonna have problems sleeping fuck this ending in the goat ass
  4. this is some anti climactic monkey shit come on man, miss it
  5. wow this is fucked. eagles like get in the house dawg
  6. finally. run a slant against the blitz oooffff thats wide the fuck open
  7. that fake motion and hike at the switch was brilliant. only get that once
  8. left still down after bobble, gonna stand imo
  9. it should be 28 - 7. beautiful game plan from the birds.
  10. why run a 7 yard cross isolate AJ brown in the corner for a jump ball
  11. i think he juggled it? man what a catch.
  12. yep. reminds me of the NY football giants on brady. a dominant dline is gold jerry opps and there is mahomes ankle
  13. man, i am loving this eagles offense. hurts is the perfect athlete for this. and they are aggressive AF too
  14. eagles dline gonna start taking control here
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