thanks for this post. i read all 11ish pages of this thread this morning. your posts, and others on here, that were interacting with the trumpers was well, strange. If you get what has happened, what is happening, and what you see in real time posted on this thread - what is left to understand?
I read people barking back at the accusation/confession of this being a ploy to deflect from biden
I read people bitching about how laborsome Benghazi was.
I read people still interacting with the trolls.
here is the deal - they aren't trolls. Either you are an American, or they are. You both can't be any longer. And no rational exchange of ideas, evidence, or stories of any kind will change that. There is no mechanism for correction left.
We can both sides it, whatabout it, and goatfuck it but we cannot have any rational conversation about it. That ship has sailed.
This is no different than dealing with that bearfucker in Moscow. Same Same. As @washparkhorn has mentioned numerous times - we are up against a wall of nihilism.
anyway back to laughing at this mess best I can.
slowest civil war ever