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Everything posted by staboner

  1. been gone since 2019. If we move back to the US it will not be Texas. I just can't do it. I don't find Austin that nice at all anymore (visiting now) and the rest of the state is full of people more than happy to go full fascist, so whatever. I will certainly have to get closer to US sometime soon enough, prob mexico (if not a firm blue state) If others are in and/or considering Mexico I would appreciate their input. I can do the same for Oz but don't think any of you motherfuckers are heading that far
  2. i got here somehow. i don't know where i am. but i am leaving now. toodles
  3. 105 forecast for houston? did i see that shesh. good luck with that.
  4. damn. man thats fucked they can't get produce from the highlands? ^^ its eternal spring there and veggies grow like weeds. guayakill is a rough place man. never made it there for good reasons i hear.
  5. it can't be stated enough - this is the biggest piece of BS of this whole spectacle. Along with the chief being absent, the DA/city kicking out parents/media, and the various threats to parents and media to report on this. This is a horrible precedent top to bottom from the cocksucking leadership in this fucking state.
  6. russia calling something unlawful. aggy drips off these motherfuckers
  7. im right there with you. had dinner with one of best friends and his family last night. haven't seen them in years. both are educators in Texas. I didn't want to bring this up at all, but they did. Just awful. Seething with anger, sadness, fear and tears. Talked about the drills, what their kids ask them and so on. Just makes me so fucking ragey that we do nothing to help out the teachers. instead we attack them with conspiracy theories and other BS. Of all the BS wrong in society we have one group the appears hellbent to attack teachers with trans bathroom choice, CRT and whatever fox tells them to panic about next. What a fucking timeline 🤬. i want my fucking money back.
  8. hmm. I think the core issue is the stock market was setup to work around a manufacturing economy. hiring, training, creating and valuing a relationship with your clients was just completely different than it is now. and yes now its nothing but short term decisions to drive out results needed NOW. the consumer is the ultimate loser. I left a public company in 2019 and - from the time of being public first (2012) through to '19 we just upped the price and lowered quality. over and over again. We went from spending 80% of our time on client facing work to more like 20 or 30% of our time. We bought more companies, murdered the products, and then dissolved half the staff. rinse and repeat. It was at the point in our particular industry that clients would tell us "please don't buy company X" as we really need their work. I felt like we were the fucking borg. Just murdering competition and eliminating options for our clients. but we of course had a motto of CUSTOMERS FIRST. uh huh paging @hayden_horn to corporate red phone. Past that, i trace most this past decade of shit back to the bank bailouts and making money free. Such an incredible disservice to the American consumer. Greatest goddamn heist ever.
  9. yeah twas gonna spike with this heat and AC use. hope everyone gets past it fast (and doesn't give it to me for another round. i am over that shit)
  10. hey look money isn't free anymore. way to go boomers. proud of you we all are
  11. flood the large extinction volcano before it kills us all. well done earth.
  12. just happy seeing the dude on his feet again
  13. i don't know. i think the stupidity of him (and his cabal), and also willingness to spew random jibberish, is very much an attraction to his voters not even talking about the other shit. the racism, sexism, regardism and other isms they loved him for
  14. im in gtown and it when i walk outside it feels like everyone in the world is throwing warm wet raw oysters at me
  15. so what evil genius shit is the world's most incapable brain dead old leader now pulling off?
  16. i still just can't get over the police response and the various threats made by the local gov and the police against some of the mothers and journalists. wtf. the latter is actual censorship that many bitch and complain about every fucking time some doesn't agree with them. the former is the culture of the police we have been complaining about since forever on every goddamn iteration of the board. and here we are. dicks in hand. nothing. just nothing. at least school is out.
  17. huh. she looks exactly like i would have expected. imagine that.
  18. there certainly seems to be an uptick in NBA going NFL goon lately
  19. thanks for this post. i read all 11ish pages of this thread this morning. your posts, and others on here, that were interacting with the trumpers was well, strange. If you get what has happened, what is happening, and what you see in real time posted on this thread - what is left to understand? I read people barking back at the accusation/confession of this being a ploy to deflect from biden I read people bitching about how laborsome Benghazi was. I read people still interacting with the trolls. here is the deal - they aren't trolls. Either you are an American, or they are. You both can't be any longer. And no rational exchange of ideas, evidence, or stories of any kind will change that. There is no mechanism for correction left. We can both sides it, whatabout it, and goatfuck it but we cannot have any rational conversation about it. That ship has sailed. This is no different than dealing with that bearfucker in Moscow. Same Same. As @washparkhorn has mentioned numerous times - we are up against a wall of nihilism. anyway back to laughing at this mess best I can. slowest civil war ever
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